best quote EVER!


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
last night on VH1's 100 Most Metal Moments, Blackie Lawless from W.A.S.P was explaining how he fire-shooting codpiece backfired once, exploding, sending him in the air about a foot, and burned a bunch of hair off his legs that has never grown back.

so he says that he went back to the dressing room with the band and said to them:

"You know, if we wrote better songs I wouldn't have to do shit like this."
hey, while i am not the type of person to try stage theatrics and while i am not really a W.A.S.P fan at all, you gotta give the guy credit for trying to put on a show for his fans and strap pyro to his junk!
It was a really rainy spring, and the bumblebees weren't able to harvest any pollen from the saturated flowers. Sitting around a toadstool in the bee café on break, one bumblebee says to another 'this is really getting to me. the flowers are so wet i can't get any pollen and i'm starving.' the second bee says 'hey well i heard there's this bar mitzvah for some ladybird over in the big field tomorrow.. i'm sure if you show up there, there'll be plenty to eat.'

'oh what a great idea, thanks!' says the first bee.

a couple days later back at the bee café the first bee sees the second bee again and says 'hey that bar mitzvah was fantastic. i stuffed myself! thanks for the recommendation!'

'no problem' says the second bee, 'but what's with that thing on your head?'

'oh' says the first bee, 'this is a yarmulche! i wore it to the bar mitzvah because i didn't want them to think i was a wasp.'
i really liked the crimson idol back when. and yeah, frankie banali's drums on that are on total TOM FILL mode, which helps to evoke the WHO vibe even more. i think that album may have actually made me want to push drummers i worked with to use more toms.
FuSoYa said:
It was a really rainy spring, and the bumblebees weren't able to harvest any pollen from the saturated flowers. Sitting around a toadstool in the bee café on break, one bumblebee says to another 'this is really getting to me. the flowers are so wet i can't get any pollen and i'm starving.' the second bee says 'hey well i heard there's this bar mitzvah for some ladybird over in the big field tomorrow.. i'm sure if you show up there, there'll be plenty to eat.'

'oh what a great idea, thanks!' says the first bee.

a couple days later back at the bee café the first bee sees the second bee again and says 'hey that bar mitzvah was fantastic. i stuffed myself! thanks for the recommendation!'

'no problem' says the second bee, 'but what's with that thing on your head?'

'oh' says the first bee, 'this is a yarmulche! i wore it to the bar mitzvah because i didn't want them to think i was a wasp.'
thank you. thank you so very much.