best unsigned indie bands?


indie label
Jun 27, 2004
So we all know Wes will probably say Warmachine, right Wes? :headbang:

We're in the process of building a small, tight, kick-ass roster of bands at Swarm Theory Music. I've been reading the posts here and watching the top 20 lists for quite a while now, and I figured who better to ask for suggestions than all of the Rapture listeners around the world. You guys know your shit!

Have you discovered some amazing gem of a hard, heavy, loud band that hardly anybody knows about yet? Do you think they'd be a good fit for our roster? (this is key...we want bands that work well together and can cross-pollinate) This is your chance to play A&R guy or gal for a day...

If you aren't familiar with our current roster, you can check out bios and mp3's at

Thanks in advance for your suggestions...giver.

swarm theory music
Watch out for this band..they are getting great hype from a lot of sources.
Just check out the reviews coming out on these guys.
Some claim that they "will make history" as newcomers in Canadian Metal.
You MUST see them live if you ever get the opportunity. These guys can really deliver the goods!
PENETRATOR.....remember that name.
I'd have to go with PENETRATOR because they really pack a punch for such a new band, but Warmachine also comes to mind.
Both have a different sound.
Both bands deliver in their own right.
Penetrator would be my first choice. If I had to choose I'd pick PENETRATOR.
just so y'all know, you don't just have to pick ONE band. :)

comon people, i know you all know bands that you've seen play, bands whose discs you've bought at some dive in the middle of nowhere, bands that totally blew your mind because they were good AND you'd never heard of them before.

what are some bands that AREN'T on the rapture playlist yet that kick fuckin' ass????