Best valves for price ?


Dec 8, 2008
Replacing the stock valves in my peavey windsor.

Any suggestions for some nice 6l6 tubes ?
Well for the money I would stick to current production tubes. Of course you could go on all day about it. The bottom line is that every amp and everyones ears are different. I have had great results with pretty much every current production tube out there as long as I bought them from a reputable dealer that did proper burn-ins, testing, and matching.

I don't have any experience with the Windsor specifically, but in general Peavey's tend to be biased very cold. JJ's have been the common go-to for Peavey amps, but they typically need to be modded to bias up correctly. JJ's also tend to bias really cold which makes that issue worse. However, a big part of the Peavey sound is the cold bias... I think they sound better biased up right.

Personally I am a fan of JJ, SED's, EH's, and chinese Shuguang (high gain). Which pretty much cover all the available tubes. TAD, Groove Tubes, Ruby, are mainly re-branders, but they do have some tubes made to their specs which are all really nice. But just make sure you are getting the ones specifically manufactured for them and not just a re-branded (and marked-up) tube.

I like to buy from good prices, honest, fast, and knows his tubes! If I am looking for something weird, I will buy from or sells JJ's but also has a lot of experience with Peavey amps.

All sites are good reads if nothing else.