best WAY to induce lactation if you're not pregnant?


human plant/container
Oct 17, 2003
Boston, MA
i'm going to make a pizza out of human breast cheese.

i'm really curious/interested. the idea of someone else's boobie milk sort of makes me gag. i mean, i guess i might, but i'd rather try to induce lactation in myself first, you know?

i think i want to make cheese that's similar to mozzarella cheese - that shit is great on pizza! (with basil and tomato slices, especially!) :)

also, what's the general cheese-making process? i once went to a cheese-making factory in france, and i saw them sticking their bare hands in it, and squishing it around.

but i wasn't paying attention for the other processes.
okay, so i got all my answers now. :)

apparently, breast milk production isn't estrogen horone-related, but pituitary-related, so it's possible to induce lactation by stimulating the nipples every 2 or 3 hours - but not sure how long -weeks? days?

i'm going to invest in a breast pump.
mostly you can stimulate breast milk formation only if you've been pregnant/given birth before, otherwise you have to use natural / chemical expectorants to produce excess prolactin (the hormone that induces it). doing so without having been pregnant manually could be fairly painful and probably futile otherwise. :(
shit, seriously?

what about men who can breastfeed? i hear that they just use nipple stimulation in order to induce lactation...?

"How does induced lactation work? Basically, it is important to remember that prolactin and oxytocin, the hormones which govern lactation, are pituitary, not ovarian hormones. Therefore, even if a woman has had a hysterectomy, she may lactate, providing her over-all health is good. (Estrogen, in the form of birth control pills or for replacement therapy, is a lactation suppressant.) Both prolactin, the milk-making hormone, and oxytocin, the milk-releasing hormone, are produced in response to nipple stimulation. While there are now several regimens which use hormone therapy to assist in bringing in milk, many women have induced lactation with only mechanical stimulation. This consists of breast massage, nipple manipulation, and sucking -- either by a baby or a hospital grade electric breast pump. Some adopting mothers rent a breast pump in anticipation of the infant; other mothers simply put the adopted infant to breast."
jesus you know how long you'd have to have that pump on your boob? christ.

it's true. i mean, a comatose man could potentially breastfeed. so why don't they do it all the time? look up the side effects of excess prolactin in your system (and oxytocin) and maybe you'll see why. also, it's just too rigorous and you'd get almost none. thus women in the south during slavery that didnt want to breast feed forced women who already had kids to do it for them (wet nurse) and not the guys / little girls. ya know?
egads. i'd just never ever do that. i can't imagine stimulating unnecessary hormones like that can possibly be good. i suppose people do all sorts of weird stuff like that though.
btw the only reason i really find it disconcerting is because elevated levels of prolactin without cause can lead to emotional stress and anxiety/depression increases and insomnia. and has been shown to cause a huge increase in breast cancers and fibroids.
Mia, the spice fenugreek (methi) is known to stimulate lactation, and has even been known (periodically) to cause it in men. It's used in a lot of Indian-area curries. I have a giant pouch of fenugreek powder and a jar of fenugreek seeds in my kitchen--one of the best dishes I can make is aloo baigan (potatoes and eggplant) laced with fenugreek.

Fenugreek leaves are also really good. I've had methi gosht (fenugreek greens and lamb) at an Indian place near my house..

Fortunately, I've yet to lactate. I think I just don't eat enough fenugreek to make a difference. I would recommend eating it every day plus using a breast pump, and that might very well help you begin to lactate.
I'm pretty sure I posted this site before, long ago?


(sri lankan breastfeeder. I bet he ate mad fenugreek)
uh oh.

i just read something horrible, that may ruin my pizza project! i just read that in order to make cheese, you have to use a substance/chemical called rennet. rennet is easily obtainable, but it's procured from the stomach lining of a young calf.

so... for authenticity purposes, does this mean that i need to procure HUMAN rennet for HUMAN cheese?

that would make things considerably tougher. :(
no, they use microbrial (vegetarian, lab-made) rennet in lots of cheese nowadays. otherwise, I'd never eat any, y'know?

cheese-making kits aren't too hard to come by. my wife and I have thought about doing it before, tho not with human milk of course.
yes, i found this cheese-making site earlier today.

it looks virtually effortless to make cheese! yay.

there's even a mozzarella cheese-making kit. (a bit pricey though. i think i may just buy some rennet. and - it's good to hear that it's used solely for chemical reasons, rather than taste ones.)
A friend of mine worked at an abortion information hotline and got a call from a porno producer who wanted to know a) how far along in pregnancy women began lactating, and b) how this dovetailed time-wise with available abortion procedures, so they could knock up one of their starlets and then give her an abortion and start making lactating videos.

getting pregnant reduces breast cancer (for unknown reasons) they haven't been able to link it with breast feeding. but increases in prolactin without pregnancy increase chances of breast cancer.

they know this because some psychiatric medications increase prolactin a lot.

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