Best way to quit the cig'rettes?

The Butt

The true error to be corrected.
Sep 10, 2007
The void.
What the title says. Anyone gone through it? I've been smoking the cigarettes like, a pack every two days, for roughly 5 years. I have no willpower. I can go like 5-6 days without, but then after that, I just yearn for a cig and then I get super cranky. Tried the gum and it was disgusting.

I need to quit.
Get yourself sent to the hospital where you can't have a cig...that worked for me for a while.
Cold turkey or dip, or both in a sequential manner. Those are your options. Having a lady who cares for you helps, but don't lean on it. I quit for my ex, but bought a can of Copenhagen soon after that ended.
Watched my grandma quit cold turkey after over forty years. Want to quit smoking? Quit fucking smoking.
E-cig is painless. I find you don't crave it the way you do analog smokes, it's just nice to have around in situations where you're out drinking or whatever and you might be tempted to stray.
Cold turkey or dip, or both in a sequential manner. Those are your options. Having a lady who cares for you helps, but don't lean on it. I quit for my ex, but bought a can of Copenhagen soon after that ended.

sweet jesus do not start chewing tobacco. My dad has been chewing tobacco for probably close to 30 years. surprisingly, he still has his teeth and jaw. Dip is the nastiest shit. They put fucking tiny pieces of fiberglass in it to cut your gums so the nicotine gets in your blood stream quicker. And if you swallow your spit?

E-cigs seem to be the way to go. Plus they seem more socially acceptable now. Smoking in bars and restaurants is banned here in CA, but e-cigs are allowed.
I know a lot of people doing the e-cig thing. One thing I've noticed is that they seem to relapse back to normal cigs from time to time.
You have to decide that you're really going to quit. If you relapse, make it as short as possible and get back off that wagon, don't feel bad, just try harder next time.
You can ween yourself off using patches or the e-cig, but you need to have the commitment to wind down. Maybe set a calendar for incremental decreases and know that you'll still suffer here and there, but as you focus on how bad you want out, it's worth the effort.
Back when i quit i'd basically gotten sick of 'em. I was broke as fuck at the time and was forced to smoke my cousins Dunhill lights that he had laying around and those cigarettes were so nasty that after a couple weeks i was just disgusted with inhaling tobacco. Maybe grabbing a carton of those will do the job.

... not the regular Dunhill red's, those are/were pretty good.
Im not going to be saying anything new here but ill still contribute...

I just recently quit, and what it comes down to is figuring out what you really want, and then doing it. If you want to smoke, youre gonna smoke. If you want to quit, youre gonna quit. Fuck e-cigs, fuck dip, fuck all that shit, thats not quitting imo, its addiction trading.

Also, find something to motivate you from quitting too. Preferrably not a woman...I used mountain biking. If I smoke, it damages my ability to ride, and to me riding is more important than smoking.

If you want to quit, quit. Cold turkey. Dont use a patch and power through hell for a week.
make a rule where for every cigarette you smoke, your girlfriend gets to peg you one night (you cant fuck her that night) and she wont change or wash her socks for one week and then put them in your mouth.
Mathiäs;10667637 said:
I know a lot of people doing the e-cig thing. One thing I've noticed is that they seem to relapse back to normal cigs from time to time.

PP does that. I don't get it - I can't even smoke spliffs or joints any more because the tobacco/paper combination is so disgusting. I haven't had a cigarette in over a year and I hate the smell and the whole process. The e-cig gets used maybe once or twice a week if I'm out and that's it.

Food tastes so good, I don't need to pour hot pepper all over everything I eat to create flavor, and I lost some baby fat because I didn't do that thing where you eat just so you can enjoy the post-meal cigarette.
I had zero cigs this week and the abstinence will continue for at least few days too. Sometimes I steal my friend's but even that is very rare. He doesn't like it much. I think it's safe to say I'm not addicted to it. It tastes good after a meal though, that's for sure.

EDIT: I learned to enjoy weed though, even after beers. It's capable of making me happy and comfortable. I need things like that.
sweet jesus do not start chewing tobacco. My dad has been chewing tobacco for probably close to 30 years. surprisingly, he still has his teeth and jaw. Dip is the nastiest shit. They put fucking tiny pieces of fiberglass in it to cut your gums so the nicotine gets in your blood stream quicker. And if you swallow your spit?

People actually still chew tobacco? :guh: