New Metal Member
Aug 27, 2012

I would like to present our website:

While the albums featured are predominantly Black Metal, there are a couple of things I should point out, because people can get a little carried away when it comes to genres and subgenres. Firstly, there are some albums that don't exactly fall within the Black Metal genre, but have been included for the sake of... basically... not excluding them. Some examples would be non-Black Metal albums by Celtic Frost, Behemoth, or even albums with only slight Black Metal influences such as those by Nortt or Vintersorg, or even albums by bands who have only minimal connections to Black Metal, such as early Kreator, Sodom and Destruction albums.

Also included are many Pagan/Folk metal bands with some Black Metal influences. For the sake of completion we have also included all albums by Satyricon, Dimmu Borgir, Cradle Of Filth, etc... no matter how much some of them stray from Black Metal or otherwise simply "suck".

Secondly, for the sake of simplicity and clarity we have categorized our entire album database within only 9 distinct styles (or a combination of 2 of them). These are the following:

- Second Wave: Second Wave, Standard Black Metal, Scandinavian, etc ...
- Old School: Old School, First Wave, Punk, Speed Metal, etc ...
- Thrash: Thrash Metal, Blackened Thrash, etc ...
- Death: Death Metal, Blackened Death, etc ...
- Pagan: Pagan, Folk, Viking, etc ...
- Epic: Epic, Symphonic, Orchestal, Gothic, etc ...
- Industrial: Industrial, Electronic, etc ...
- Experimental: Experimental, Avant-Garde, Progressive, Post-BM, etc ...
- Ambient: Ambient, Atmospheric, DSBM & any predominantly "Ambiental" album.

It should be noted that this categorization is NOT an accurate representation of each album's specific subgenre, but rather a simple tool for assisting in the identification of each album's general style. So please, avoid the elitist genre-label-flaming! We will expand on the genres in the near future.

Some of our features include our Top 100 list, a Random Album tool, album previews that link directly to our YouTube channel, filters by country, year and style, band biographies, and also a comment/user rating system that doesn't require registration.

To get started check out our Top 100 list:

And here is our YouTube channel:

Bear in mind we have only recently launched the site, so not all albums have reviews yet!

Enjoy, all feedback is welcome!
Thrash, representing Thrash, Blackened Death, Second Wave, Raw, and basically everything else that doesn't fall specifically into any of the other categories. This is also the default category for all standard and traditional Black Metal albums.

Why call it all thrash? That's just really misleading. You should probably go with a better umbrella term like Second Wave.
Why call it all thrash? That's just really misleading. You should probably go with a better umbrella term like Second Wave.

Yes, apologies for any confusion, we have been meaning to change that to a more englobing term but haven't yet fully decided on one, although Second Wave will be the most likely candidate. Old School will most likely be changed to First Wave too.

We expect the change to happen within then next 24 hours.

Thank you for your consideration!
We have updated the website with the improved classification. Black/Thrash albums are now correctly represented under the "Thrash" category, and the default category for all standard Black Metal albums is now "Second Wave".

Additionally, an informative tooltip has been added next to each album's genre to inform users of the classification system used.
A quick update to mention that we have just uploaded our 700th video to our YouTube channel!

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Another milestone reached, our 800th YouTube video upload:

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Love the site. May just be the most thoroughly excellent black metal authority on the web.

Why thank you! That's quite a complement :)

Hopefully soon we can upload lots of album reviews and live up to your description.
Reaching our 900th video upload!

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