Bests of the year?


Oct 15, 2001
End of the year poll time:

Person: George Bush (the maturation from goofball to determined leader all in one year is pretty remarkable)

Best Movie: Amelie (haven't seen LOTR but this one would be tough to beat, runner up: Ghost World)

Book I've read: Moonstone — Wilkie Collins (British detective fiction from 1868

Sports moment: World Series Game 7, bottom of the 9th

Sexiest actress/actor: Penelope Cruz

Single best personal moment: Ice skating in Tivoli, Copenhagen

Best concert: Opeth, L'amours, Brooklyn (although Morbid Angel/Zyklon is tonight)

Best album: Perdition City, Ulver
Person: Vibeke Stene

Best Movie: -

Book I've read: E-Guitar for Beginners

Sports moment: basketball game at school

Sexiest actress/actor: Me

Best concert: The Gathering, Bremen, Germany

Best album: Emperor, Prometheus - the discipline of fire and demise
Originally posted by tintin
Person: George Bush (the maturation from goofball to determined leader all in one year is pretty remarkable)
:err: i beg to differ. for work, i edit the transcript of every speech he makes, and i assure you he's still a goofball. (and that's just a nice way to put it.) :p
well, I'm certainly not a fan of the guy, and he is obviously a big dick but still, he did deliver under pressure. That speech to the nation he made, with the whole world watching, really delivered....
Originally posted by tintin
well, I'm certainly not a fan of the guy, and he is obviously a big dick but still, he did deliver under pressure. That speech to the nation he made, with the whole world watching, really delivered....

I just watched and thought what a bad public speaker he was, and marvelled at howsomeone so dense could have so much power :D And, IMO he didn't deliver anywhere near as well as he could have

Amelie was a brilliant film :D
Person : I would go with George Bush, only because I think he's doing a decent job handling a historic event

Movie : The Mummy Returns - plain and simple fun

Book : well, I haven't read any books this year (not a big reader), so I'll go with the Tweeter catalogue (dreaming of big time electronics to buy):)

Sports Moment : based on sports in the Boston area, hasn't been much to cheer about - so I'll go with my first goal playing EA Sports NHL 2002 :)

Sexiest Actor/Actress : well, Brittany Spears isn't an actress, but as a celebrity, I'll pick her

Best Concert : would of been Opeth if I hadn't missed it - probably Enslaved whom I saw last week

Best Album : Opeth - Blackwater Park (duh)
Person: I'd have to go with Bush as well. As TinTin stated perfectly: the maturation from goofball to determined leader all in one year is pretty remarkable :)

Best Movie: Hmmm, can't pick one right now...

Book I've read: B.E. Ellis - American Psycho (for the 8th time) :)

Sports moment: -

Sexiest actress/actor: Jessica Biel

Single best personal moment: Talking to Kai Hansen :loco: Childhood idol...

Best concert: -

Best album: The Black League - Utopia A.D. / Moonsorrow - Voimasta Ja Kunniasta
Person: I don't pay much attention to politics, so I can't comment on Bush's performance.

Book I've Read: "Dragons of a Lost Star" By Margaret Weis, and Tracy Hickman.

Sports Moment: Don't watch sports.

Best Movie: Reserving my judgement until I see Lord of the Rings.

Single Best Personal Moment: is too personal to mention.

Best Concert: Haven't been to one yet.

Best Album: Morningrise, by Opeth.

Sexiest actress/actor: Brendan Fraser
Person: ?

Best Movie: Tigerland

Book I've read: Lady Audley's Secret-Mary Elizabeth Braddon

Sports moment: When that australian (I think) chick finally skis in her underwear!

Sexiest actress/actor: Charlize Theron/Laura Prepon

Single best personal moment: Finding out my sister got a full scholarship into hockey Prep school! (just yesterday actually)

Best concert: The Punters! Roncalli Central high School.....

Best album: Green Carnation-Light of Day, Day of Darkness (despite the fact I've only heard 7 minutes of it yet.....It's still the best thing I've heard all year!)
Person: Mikael (I just discovered him this year)

Best Movie: does it have to be released this year?

Book I've read: IT

Sports moment: don't like sports

Sexiest actress/actor: Branden Lee (RIP)

Single best personal moment: kissy kissy!:)

Best concert: only saw one this year, and it was bad

Best album: Apocalyptica-forgot what it was called, but it was cool.
Person: I'll jump on the George Bush bandwagon

Best Movie: Snatch (I laughed my ass off)

Book I've read: As a Man Thinketh ( My life has changed so much for the better since following these ideas)

Sports moment: Winning another Pro bowling tournament.

Sexiest actress/actor: Cameron Diaz

Single best personal moment: Getting married

Best concert: Symphony X in an old garage with 200 other people (also the only concert I went too)

Best album: That I purchased this year was Nevermore's The Politics of Ecstasy
wow, you guys sure aren't picky in your choice of president. that's really discouraging. maybe it's because you've only heard him speak once or twice since 9/11, but i've had the luxury of hearing every little speech to every little group -- we're talking an average of 6 per week. he has no other justification for why we're in this war beyond "they are evil. we must rout out evil-doers. evilness is bad." and no, that's not a simplification of his words.

i agree that his speech to congress was well-written -- but of course he didn't write it, and he read it poorly. it's when he attempts to speak off the top of his head that the comedy ensues. last week he gave a speech to some troops on the uss missouri (i think???), and i swear i thought i was listening to some satirical sketch on the simpsons:

bush: they thought they could beat us.
audience: booooooo!
bush: but they can't.
audience: yaaaaaaaay!
bush: we're stronger than them.
audience: yaaaaaaaay!
bush: we're gonna beat them
audience: yaaaaaaaay!
bush: that man is an....evil man. he does...evil acts. he is an...evil-doer.
audience: booooooo!
bush: we don't like evil, and we will show them.
audience: yaaaaaaaay!
bush: go get them!
audience: yaaaaaaaay!

sounded like a goddamn high school football pep rally.

meanwhile, the economy is tanking, unemployment is sky-rocketing. and rather than admit that his tax cut has left us with nothing to fall back on, he insists on MORE tax cuts for the rich as the way out of this. even though any economist in the world can tell you (and does tell you, but you aren't listening) that corporate tax cuts do nothing to stimulate an economy in the short term.

but all that thinking is too much to ask of this society.
End of the year poll time:

Person: ..
Best Movie: dancer in the dark :cry:
Book I've read: pointless to say 'cause it's a chilean book
Sports moment: ..
Sexiest actress/actor: Milla Jovovich/ the actor who plays Legolas in LOTR.. don't know his name ;)
Single best personal moment: i rather not talk about it
Best concert: Children of Bodom (only one this year :mad: )
Best album: too many to mention, Black Water Park, Thelema 6 (i heard it first this year), Ulver(s), Prometheus, World ov Worms.... again, too many
Hi Lina,

I really do agree with all of your points. The guy has no business being president, he's a figurehead for the right wingers and the energy industry. The idea of further tax cuts for the rich and a retroactive (!) tax refund for the largest corporations for paying a particular tax over the years is appalling. On the other hand, it's important to realize that he is in the position of leader and he hasn't fucked up the war (yet?). For not fucking it up, he deserves credit. Also, sometimes figureheads can be effective, like with Reagan. He projected a similar "cowboy" image as Bush and (arguably) stared down the Russians to the point where they gave up the ship. If Bush looks tough, and doesn't fuck things up, it's the most we can ask for.

But I'm not trying to change your opinion of course. Having to parse Bush speeches would be enough reason to hate the guy. What in particular are you doing with the speeches? What is the organization you work for?
Originally posted by Lina
wow, you guys sure aren't picky in your choice of president. that's really discouraging. maybe it's because you've only heard him speak once or twice since 9/11, but i've had the luxury of hearing every little speech to every little group -- we're talking an average of 6 per week. he has no other justification for why we're in this war beyond "they are evil. we must rout out evil-doers. evilness is bad." and no, that's not a simplification of his words.

...sounded like a goddamn high school football pep rally.

meanwhile, the economy is tanking, unemployment is sky-rocketing. and rather than admit that his tax cut has left us with nothing to fall back on, he insists on MORE tax cuts for the rich as the way out of this. even though any economist in the word can tell you (and does tell you, but you aren't listening) that corporate tax cuts do nothing to stimulate an economy in the short term.

but all that thinking is too much to ask of this society.

You know what? YOU'RE RIGHT!!

Honestly, when I posted my best person, I was thinking of this whole "war" thing on a very shallow-minded level. Back to human nature - all it really takes to suck "us" in is that pep rally mentality - go go, rah rah. I am such a fucking idiot for falling for that, because I know I'm better than the rest of the human race I always find myself bashing (of course Opethians are excluded from that blanket statement.:D ). I'm a CPA - I know economics - yet I obviously wasn't listening. [metalmancpa receives gigantic dope slap]

I formally retract my choice of George Bush for best person, and will insert the following: my wife. If you know me from this board, it's what I should of said in the first place. She's my support when things aren't right. (everybody cries now:cry: )
Originally posted by tintin
Hi Lina,

I really do agree with all of your points. The guy has no business being president, he's a figurehead for the right wingers and the energy industry. The idea of further tax cuts for the rich and a retroactive (!) tax refund for the largest corporations for paying a particular tax over the years is appalling. On the other hand, it's important to realize that he is in the position of leader and he hasn't fucked up the war (yet?). For not fucking it up, he deserves credit. Also, sometimes figureheads can be effective, like with Reagan. He projected a similar "cowboy" image as Bush and (arguably) stared down the Russians to the point where they gave up the ship. If Bush looks tough, and doesn't fuck things up, it's the most we can ask for.
You know, I do pretty much agree with you here. He didn't immediately nuke all of the Middle East, and for that I guess he deserves credit. It's just that Bush is Bush -- once an idiot, always an idiot. So I found this Bush praising a hard pill to swallow. And ironically, it was announced today that Bush is pulling out of the ABM Treaty. In the case of Reagan, how important is intimidating other countries when your own country is turning to shit, though? Not a real question, just me rambling.

Originally posted by tintin
Having to parse Bush speeches would be enough reason to hate the guy. What in particular are you doing with the speeches? What is the organization you work for?
I work for eMediaMillworks, which is the company that makes transcripts of basically everything that happens in the political sphere. It's quite the monopolist. :tickled: So we cover all speeches by politicans, congressional hearings, photo ops, international summits, etc. Then those transcripts get sent out over the news wires, and journalists use them to write their stories. It's cool because I get to hear the news before it's been put into news format. And lots of big newspapers like the Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, etc, often print our transcripts in the paper if it's a big deal (like Bush's speech to Congress), and they're always on the websites for those companies. All the network news stations post ours, as well. It definitely quenches my thirst for politics, but it's frustrating to hear all the lies, as you can imagine.

Originally posted by metalmancpa
I formally retract my choice of George Bush for best person, and will insert the following: my wife. If you know me from this board, it's what I should of said in the first place. She's my support when things aren't right. (everybody cries now )
How can you pick your wife?! hahahaha, just kidding. :lol: I support this decision!