beware of the chiropractor

Jan 11, 2007
I went to a chiropractor yesterday. I have been to several before and always though they were bit nutty but they did make my back feel better in the short term.

Not yesterday. I went in with my lower back feeling kind of stiff. Then he adjusted my back and it felt like he broke me into two pieces. I couldn't stand up or straighten out my left leg for a good 5 minutes. I came home and had to hobble on one foot and use my arms to pull myself across the front wall of my house to get inside.

Luckily I have enough left over anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant drugs from the VA in my closet that I could kill a horse. So I spent most of yesterday in a drugged haze. Today I can walk fairly normal again but still don't have full range of motion with my legs. Tomorrow I am going to the VA hospital to see if anything is seriously messed up.

So visit the fake spine doctor at your own risk.
I agree you have to know the guy very well but take into account that everytime you go there, you're like beaten up for a couple of days. More pain than before the fix for sure. Is this your 1st time? I've been going there for many years because of martial arts.
In a couple of days you'll be fine, most likely.
I´ve read on the news that a bunch of people die a few days after go to the chiropractor, due to a movement they do on the neck that leads to a stroke.

For lower back pain I like paracetamol. If it´s too strong I go for codein, and if it´s unbearable I go for morphine.
I don't get how people still go to chiropractors... They are going to manipulate your backbones, so they can really mess up nerves, spinal cord and vertebral arteries in neck (main supply to brain, along with the carotids). Palsy, stroke, pain... I really don't get it. Go to a proper physician instead...
I read "beware of the velociraptor" and was curious of what to expect in this thread :lol:


Have no experiences with chiropractors tho...also not with velociraptors luckily
damn I should go to sleep, sorry^^
I have went to other chiropractors in the past and they helped me out when I had nerve being pinched due to a disc problem. I have not been to this particular one much and sure will not be anymore. This was not normal.

This was an instant injury. The dude was nervous as hell when I couldn't stand up. I barely drove my car home, then went inside and screamed in agony for about 10 minutes. I went to bathroom later and had to have my wife pull my pants up afterward because I was not capable to do it myself.

As for the real doctor I have been to bunches and bunches of them. Physical therapy, drugs etc. The physical therapy helped a lot. Lifting weights with my back helped a lot. Nothing gets me back to 100 percent normal. That is why people go to quakes, because they are desperate enough to try anything.

I wish a doctor could cure me, but nothing shows up on an x-ray. Could be that I am completely fucking nuts. I have had chronic back pain for around 6 years now. I would give a blow job to a goat if it cured me.
I had nerve being pinched due to a disc problem.


I wish a doctor could cure me, but nothing shows up on an x-ray. Could be that I am completely fucking nuts. I have had chronic back pain for around 6 years now. I would give a blow job to a goat if it cured me.

Sounds like you have a herniated disc. If it is not showing on the X-Ray it will certainly show on a MRI. It´s the definition of pain. Make an appointment with a good neurosurgeon and/or orthopedist before you end up like me. Most of the cases can be solved without surgery. Meanwhile, don´t lift weight or do any heavy activity without a physiotherapist supervision because it will probably make things worse.

Out of curiosity, only your back hurts or the pain goes to one of your legs too?
There is no pain going down the leg which is good since I would be in really bad shape. I don't think it is a disc problem this time, it does not hurt in my spine like it has in the past.

The pain is in my lower left side of my back around where one of my kidneys is. I am walking normal again now, it is just sore.

I am going to see if the VA hosiptal can see me today. The MRI thing is interesting. I really don't understand how they work or what would show up on one.
Had an herniated disc myself a couple of years ago. Most horrific pain ever. Good luck and yeah, chiropractors should not be allowed to do some of their stuff.
You guys should read up a bit on "ART" which stands for Active Release Technique.

It cures causes instead of trying to patch up the consequences.

If your back hurts and it is not after some direct single trauma, then most probably it is caused by some muscular imbalances - when one muscle pulls too hard and the opposite is too streched, then the joint or a disc gets squeezed on one side and nerves get pinched.

And when nerves get pinched... PAIN !

ART tries to release the muscle that pulls too hard.

Basically :)
Sounds like he's twisted or trapped your sciatic nerve. Sciatic nerve pain can take you out for days, and it can lead to lasting damage. Go to a real doctor.
I really wouldn't. In severe cases, I think they do surgery. But otherwise plenty of exercise. I get it every now and then, it goes away after a few days. I haven't had it for about a year or so now. Touch wood!!
I got two herniated discs. The first time it "hit" me I´ve managed to overcome the pain with swimming, physiotherapy, GPR and some drugs (some of them narcotics, but mostly paracetamol). This works for most of the people.

The second time I had to go through surgery, but not before trying everything, even acupuncture and homeopathy :lol:

As I´ve said, a MRI will show exactly what´s going on. I´ve asked about your leg because pinched sciatic nerve tends to reflect the pain to one of the legs.
The VA medical system is such a joke. They just called me back on the phone and told me to take Ibuprofen and buy a heating pad. I had to restrain myself from laughing.

When I am feeling "normal" so to speak I probally take a handfull of Ibuprofen every week.

Looks like it is time to find a civilian doctor.
The VA medical system is such a joke. They just called me back on the phone and told me to take Ibuprofen and buy a heating pad. I had to restrain myself from laughing.

When I am feeling "normal" so to speak I probally take a handfull of Ibuprofen every week.

Looks like it is time to find a civilian doctor.

How I understand you completely. I've been having strong back pain since april, on the top left around the shoulderblade, ocasionally going down my arm as well as my breast. Went to my GP 2 times the only thing she said was: oh it muscular, take these (pills), saw 2 different doctors, oh its muscular,blabla... How about scheduling some fucking tests ei? jesus
I tried going to my old civilian doctor yesterday, but he moved to a different city. The office he was in with another doctor didn't want anything to do with me. I think my old doctor and his former partner had falling out. Either that or they though I was drug addict looking for pain killers.

Anyway I ended up in an urgent care center and was injected with an anti-inflamatory. I feel alot better but I am still sore.

On the bright side I think it is just a pulled muscle in my hip and nothing more seriously wrong. There is no blood in my urine, so the doctor did not think my kidney was bruised. Also it does not hurt in my spine like my old back pain which is good.

I think my lower back muscles were just really tense and the Chiropractor just pushed them over the edge.