Bewitched - Spiritual Warfare

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Bewitched – Spiritual Warfare
Regain Records – 2006
By Adam McAuley


A very nice old-school flavor is evoked by these guys in the vein of thrash bands like Sabbat, but combined with some slight black metal leanings. The display these guys put on is chaotic, yet svelte as they weave their web around you. Vocalist Varghar recalls Martin Walkier of Sabbat as he complements the war-trodden riffs perfectly. The title of the album is very appropriate for the proceedings as they put on a spirited performance to their aggressive stylings. Strong reliance on distortion and a slightly gloomy mood is used, but the band only approach black metal without ever actually becoming it.

The title track is a highlight, unsurprisingly, with an epic vibe that perfectly closes off the proceedings and reminds me of the type of instrumental that the likes of Dissection did in their prime. However, the thrash element of the band always wins out and make no mistake that that’s what kind of an album this is overall. When the band remain at their best, they sort of gel along with an interesting mixture of poly-rhythmic riffs and solid barking over the top, interrupted by the occasional splendid solo as with some of the earlier more raw thrash bands like Slayer and Celtic Frost. Their approach is addictive, interesting and fairly neck-snapping at the same time, causing a very satisfied feeling on the part of the listener.

They take some of the best ideas from classic thrash and even traditional metal bands and shape them into their own effective output. However, the album isn’t perfect as it’s brought down by the obvious slight lack of originality, but still a top notch recording.


Official Bewitched Website
Official Regain Records Website