Bible Of The Devil ...bang your fucking head!

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
Why the fuck isn't there a thread on these guys? I've owned The Diabolic Procession since it came out and have always loved the tits out of it. So as I rip my entire collection and am rediscovering all the music I own, I came back across this gem and dug into their catalogue and discovered Freedom Metal which is different but even better! :kickass:

These guys kick so much ass. Old school traditional metal, crazy solos, fantastic dual guitar harmonies, soaring choruses, thrash, punk, stoner/doom, Thin Lizzy-worship, you name it...they got it. If you don't like these fuckers, you don't like metal...period.

(Three Floyds beer FTW!)

(Thin Lizzy worship FTW!)

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Huh. I own the Diabolic Procession and agree it kicks massive quantities of ass. Guess I just didn't imagine anyone around here would give two fucks. Go figure.