Big name reamping


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

Do any of you know of some bigger name engineers who offer reamping services? I'm looking for someone capable of delivering tones to a very high standard - conducive to records that would stand up against top radio rock releases in the US.

If you do, could you please PM me their contact. If you also have an approximation of their rates, that would be a great bonus.

Michael Wagener. Just contact him on GS, he's an extremely nice guy. I got a quote with him once and it was too much for my pockets tho' (brazilian extra small pockets eheh).
Another +1 for Lasse, he's reamped for me before and I loved the results, was a Krankenstein too so that was my first time "working" with a Krank amp.
He is, but with his name I'm sure he has more than earned it.

@Chris: It's for all kinds of stuff. Whatever rolls my way. Due to circumstance reamping over my way is not always possible, and I'd like to establish a long term relationship with a professional engineer that can consistently bring the goods.
Lasse and I commonly shoot for very different tones. I have no doubt about his professionalism and ability, and we are in effect pending some tests at the moment, but I would like to explore other alternatives just in case I am able to find someone on the 'same page', so to speak. As some who have been here for a few years would know, I am very particular and extremely anal about this, to the point of probably having pissed off everyone I've ever worked with :lol:. Would like to explore as many options as possible.
haha, thanks everyone, I think I just blushed a little ;)
yeah I think I'm just beginning to understand where Ermy wants to I'll try ribbon mics and mesa plus 2203 into 2 different cabs next time around...for that big radio rock tone :)

Ermz, you could also try ty tabor, he's offerubg reamping as well
Awesome, you got me slightly turned on! If we're talking about the 'Garden of Evil' track here I think SLO100 (you have one of those don't you?) and Dual Rec would be *perfect*. I've had it in my mind ever since we began tracking the project. Those strong prominent core/high mids of the Soldano mixed with the chunk of the Recto for the quad-tracked choruses. I basically structured my whole tracking procedure planning for that!

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try to keep all of these people in mind and see how it goes.
haha, thanks everyone, I think I just blushed a little ;)
yeah I think I'm just beginning to understand where Ermy wants to I'll try ribbon mics and mesa plus 2203 into 2 different cabs next time around...for that big radio rock tone :)

Ermz, you could also try ty tabor, he's offerubg reamping as well

THE TY TABOR?!?!?! I love Kings X :Smokin::Smokin:
Lasse (as mentioned before), but if you need alternate option you can contact James (Murphy) or Glenn (Fricker);)
When I get my studio functional again (I'm doing an acoustical correction on the control room) I will lower the price of reamping to stupid prices with the option of free samples.

I have amps that can cover most music genres.
So if you are interested let me know.