BIG Recommendation: Absu - Abzu


The Purest of Doom
Nov 29, 2003
Now I know everyone here is very aware of Absu, so I don't need to explain them. However, I'm not sure if everyone heard their last album, which I've listened to atleast 100 times and put as #1 on my 2011 list. I think some people were turned off by the self titled album which had sterile production, was too long, and was pretty boring. This album destroys that one and rips it to pieces. Seems like a normal and average Absu album on first listen but this thing becomes like crack cocaine on close inspection. The production is spot on. Like a beefed up version of Tara, retaining the rawness. My gym album of choice for a very long time. Give this the time it deserves.

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Hmm, this sounds pretty good. Only album I ever picked up was Tara which I traded away for reasons unbeknownst to me. I always intended to rectify that faux pas by grabbing a copy of The Sun of Tiphareth which bangs harder than Dorian with an alibi and a gleam. May just pick this up instead, as it definitely exudes a"fuda reducer" quality.
Abzu is on par with Tara, maybe not in raw brutality but the songwriting is a step up.
Ok I am going to tell you a big secret ... Absu is way fucking overrated.
saw Absu back in the spring or something at a metal fest with Vektor, Brainoil, and some others, and i was disappointed. while i absolutely adore proscriptor's drumming on Sphynx, i was underwhelmed watching him live with Absu. also the riffs were pretty uninteresting, and he used 'metal voice' in between songs, which is fully lame in about 99% of circumstances. i had found the albums to be 'ok' and was hoping the live performance would clinch it but it really had the opposite effect.