I'll have to record myself for a black metal album project called Utlagr. I want a natural sounding kit with a nice reverb sound, will use close mics and probably room mics. Some sound replacing will be done but mixed with originals.
I have 2 room options
1st is our rehearsal room, i treated the sound so we don't get any standing waves, it sound nice and dry, size is about 12' * 20' with 9' or 10' ceiling. Walls are brick and floor is cement. But we sometimes hear the neighbor bands.. This is what i used recently and got good results with software reverb.
Second choice is a friends wood house, like a Swiss chalet with a part angled ceiling like this: /-\ . It's about 24' per 26', half is with 18' height, and half with 9" height. All wood. I get lot's of reverb, i wonder if it can be too much even when closed miced?
It looks a little like this:
You can hear what i recorded on my myspace, but most of the stuff is old, my skills, equipement and room improved a lot since then...
I would tend to try the option 2 (wood house) but i fear that i'm gonna get too much reverb or room sound in the overheads mics ( i use X-Y just over my head), what do you think ?
Any tips, thoughts or experiences will be appreciated..
I'll have to record myself for a black metal album project called Utlagr. I want a natural sounding kit with a nice reverb sound, will use close mics and probably room mics. Some sound replacing will be done but mixed with originals.
I have 2 room options
1st is our rehearsal room, i treated the sound so we don't get any standing waves, it sound nice and dry, size is about 12' * 20' with 9' or 10' ceiling. Walls are brick and floor is cement. But we sometimes hear the neighbor bands.. This is what i used recently and got good results with software reverb.
Second choice is a friends wood house, like a Swiss chalet with a part angled ceiling like this: /-\ . It's about 24' per 26', half is with 18' height, and half with 9" height. All wood. I get lot's of reverb, i wonder if it can be too much even when closed miced?
It looks a little like this:

You can hear what i recorded on my myspace, but most of the stuff is old, my skills, equipement and room improved a lot since then...
I would tend to try the option 2 (wood house) but i fear that i'm gonna get too much reverb or room sound in the overheads mics ( i use X-Y just over my head), what do you think ?
Any tips, thoughts or experiences will be appreciated..