Once again, we've dreamed up a stupid sale to make some space. We've got a lot of new t-shirts lately (THOU, COUGH, etc) and have a bunch of others on deck in the near-future pipeline too... but no more shelf space for the upcoming stuffs! Solution? CRAZY SALE.
Through the rest of the month, we're doing a buy-3-get-1-free sorta offer. Really, it's "put 4 shirts in your cart, get $14.99 knocked off" since the high-end of the the average shirt price is $14.99 (even though many are less). Long story short, if you purchase 4 shirts, one of them will be free. 4 for the price of 3? I dunno, but get these old shirts outta here so we can make more! FALL FASHION and all that junk. Just use coupon code "SHIRTSALE" during checkout and you're officially chillin.
Beyond that foolishness, we've actually got another jammin lil update for ya this time around. Almost all vinyl (plus a few tapes) and bangers abound! New stuff and restocks all have quite noteworthy stuff, so here's just the lists in full:
* Aussitot Mort - Discographie - GREY COLORED VINYL 2x12" (IFB) $19.99
* Austrasian Goat, The / Neige Morte - Split - WHITE COLORED VINYL 10" (Music Fear Satan) $11.99
* Big Kids / Koalacaust - Split - ORANGE COLORED VINYL 7" (Mountain Man) $4.99
* Big Kids - Don't Be A Baby + 2 Cassette (Mountain Man) $4.99
* Big Kids - Hoop Dreams Cassette (Mountain Man) $4.99
* Big Kids - Phone Home Cassette (Mountain Man) $4.99
* Cloud Rat / The Oily Menace / Wolbachia - 3 Way Split 12" (IFB) $9.99
* Drainland / Cellgraft - Split 7" (IFB) $5.99
* Gentle Art of Chokin - Self-Titled 10" (IFB) $10.99
* Irons / Pulling Teeth - Grey Savior 12" (Deathwish) $12.99
* Kongh - Shadows Of The Shapeless 2x12" (Music Fear Satan) $19.99
* Lentic Waters - Self-Titled 12" (IFB) $10.99
* Littlest Viking, The - Labor & Lust - GREEN COLORED VINYL 12" (Mountain Man) $9.99
* Noothgrush - Failing Early Failing Often 2x12" (Emetic) $21.99
* Panzram - Reform 10" (IFB) $9.99
* Revok - Grief Is My New Moniker 2x12" (Music Fear Satan) $19.99
* Touche Amore - Parting The Sea Between Brightness and Me - RED COLORED VINYL 12" (Deathwish) $10.99
* Trap Them - Seance Prime: The Complete Recordings - CLEAR COLORED VINYL 12" (Deathwish) $10.99
* Trap Them - Seance Prime: The Complete Recordings - WHITE COLORED VINYL 12" (Deathwish) $10.99
* Converge - Axe To Fall 12" (Deathwish) $10.99
* Daitro - Cendresdes Cendres, Je Me Consume 10" - CLEAR COLORED VINYL (Music Fear Satan) $15.99
* Doomriders - Darkness Come Alive 12" (Deathwish) $9.99
* Eyehategod - Dopesick 2x12" - BLACK COVER VERSION VINYL (Emetic) $21.99
* Eyehategod - Dopesick 2x12" - WHITE COVER VERSION VINYL (Emetic) $21.99
* Eyehategod - Take As Needed For Pain 2x12" (Emetic) $21.99
* Titan - Colossus 12" (React With Protest) $12.99
* Trainwreck / Comadre - Split 12" (React With Protest) $11.99
* Victims - A Dissident 12" - GREEN COLORED VINYL (Deathwish) $11.99
* Year Of No Light - Ausserwelt 2x12" (Music Fear Satan) $21.99
And just last week we had another gnarly mid-sized update, so to reiterate its awesomeness here's that stuff as well:
NEW ITEMS: (from 10/11/11)
* Aidan Baker - Only Stories 12" (Broken Spine Productions) $16.99
* Cult of Daath - The Grand Torturers of Hell CD (Battle Kommand) $4.99
* Hero Of A Hundred Fights - The Remote The Cold - CLEAR COLORED VINYL 12" (Forge Again) $13.99
* Infinite Light LTD - Self-Titled - CLEAR COLORED VINYL 12" (Denovali) $16.99
* Like Wolves - Self-Titled - ORANGE COLORED VINYL 12" (Hex) $9.99
* Moloch / Wyqm - Split - MARBLE BLACK GOLD COLORED VINYL 12" (Death Agonies & Screams) $9.99
* MonstrO - Anchors Up! - BLUE COLORED VINYL 7" (Limited Fanfare) $5.99
* MonstrO - Anchors Up! - FUCHSIA COLORED VINYL 7" (Limited Fanfare) $5.99
* Nachtmystium - Doomsday Derelicts 12" - RED COLORED VINYL 12" (Diabolus Templum Sanus) $10.99
* Nachtmystium - Live At Roadburn MMX CD (Diabolus Templum Sanus) $4.99
* Nadja / Picastro - Fool, Redeemer 12" (Broken Spine Productions) $16.99
* Oak & Bone - Self-Titled - BLACK 12" (Hex) $9.99
* Oak & Bone - Self-Titled - PURPLE MARBLE COLORED VINYL 12" (Hex) $9.99
* Oak & Bone / Like Wolves - Split 7" (Barbarossa) $4.99
* Protestant - Stalemate 10" (Halo Of Flies) $9.99
* Raein - Sulla Linea D'Orizzonte Tra Questa Mia Vita E Quella Di Tutti 12" (Self-Released) $15.99
* Sapthuran / Leviathan - Split CD (Battle Kommand) $4.99
* Secrets She Kept - La Fin Absolue du Monde Cassette (Witch Sermon) $4.99
* Thou - Accountant - Size: DOUBLE EXTRA LARGE T-Shirt (Robotic Empire) $15.99
* Thou - Accountant - Size: EXTRA LARGE T-Shirt (Robotic Empire) $14.99
* Thou - Accountant - Size: LARGE T-Shirt (Robotic Empire) $14.99
* Thou - Accountant - Size: MEDIUM T-Shirt (Robotic Empire) $14.99
* Thou - Accountant - Size: SMALL T-Shirt (Robotic Empire) $14.99
* Thou - Accountant - Size: YOUTH LARGE T-Shirt (Robotic Empire) $14.99
* Unearthly Trance - V Cassette (Witch Sermon) $4.99
* Whirr - Distressor Cassette (Bridgetown) $5.99
* Xasthur / Leviathan - Split CD (Battle Kommand) $4.99
RESTOCKS: (from 10/11/11)
* Achilles - Hospice 12" - GREY COLORED VINYL (Farewell Party) $12.99
* Celeste - Misanthrope(s) 2x12" (Denovali) $24.99
* Celeste - Morte(s) Nee(s) 2x12" (Denovali) $26.99
* Celeste - Nihiliste(s) - PICTURE DISC 12" (Denovali) $14.99
* Ed Gein - Judas Goats and Dieseleaters 12" - RED/CLEAR VINYL (Hex) $9.99
* Fall Of Efrafa - Inle 2x12" (Halo Of Flies) $24.99
* Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation, The - Anthropomorphic 2x12" (Denovali) $24.99
* Oak & Bone - Self-Titled 7" (Hex) $4.99
* Omega Massif - Geisterstadt 12" - BROWN BLACK COLORED VINYL (Denovali) $14.99
* Thou - Harp Lady T-Shirt - Size: EXTRA LARGE (Robotic Empire) $14.99
* Thou - Harp Lady T-Shirt - Size: LARGE (Robotic Empire) $14.99
* Thou - Harp Lady T-Shirt - Size: MEDIUM (Robotic Empire) $14.99
* Thou - Harp Lady T-Shirt - Size: SMALL (Robotic Empire) $14.99
* Thou - Harp Lady T-Shirt - Size: YOUTH LARGE (Robotic Empire) $14.99
* Unholy Grave - Grindignation 7" - BLUE BLACK SMEAR SQUARE SHAPED COLORED VINYL (Death Agonies & Screams) $7.99
* Wyqm - Self-Titled 12" - YELLOW WITH BLACK SPLATTER COLORED VINYL (Death Agonies & Screams) $6.99
There ya go. All kinds of tunes and cloths for ya. Remember the coupon code "SHIRTSALE" for the $14.99 discount when you've got 4 shirts in yr cart. Big ups!
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