Big thank you to everyone who attended the shows.


Dec 7, 2002
All I can say is TX and the EAST COAST RULED!!!! Want to thank everyone who came out to make our shows in TX, MD, NJ, MASS, VA and NY a great experience. Zero Hour friends and fans really feel like family to the band. It's so awesome to hear you say thank you for coming out to our area but really it's our pleasure and it's you we want to thank for supporting us in what we do.

There's plenty of people I want to thank for helping the band out with open arms. Angela who put together posters and flyers for our show at the FBI club in Houston. They looked amazing and she did this with her own money and time. My brutha Rusty who helped Angela in promoting the event and who is doing a live report of the show in a future Explicitly Intense issue. The fans who came out to this show just RULES and it's awesome to see the crew up front wearing all Zero Hour shirts..You know who you are. Brutha Patrick who took some awesome photos and sent a awesome video clip of the show. Jay the awesome vocalist of Cea Serin YOU RULE!! Brutha Shane and the rest of the MINDCRIME crew who came out to support. What was really awesome is seeing Chris's family come out and support which is so METAL!! Was a pleasure meeting Chris's brother, sister, Mom and Dad. Any family that comes to support a family member in what they love to do is awesome. I Would like to thank the kats in Magistral and Six Minute Century (DON YOU RULE!!!) for doing amazing performances at the show. Thomas of Alamo Tees (Chris's best buddy) who just RULES and thank you so much everything bro you're so METAL!!!! Ray (Chris's cousin) who just had me rolling the whole time. YOU RULE MAN and it was awesome meeting you. A BIG METAL shout out to George and the crew of One of six....George (Drummer of One of Six) was so cool to let us get a practice in at his place and just a super nice guy. Please support all these great bands we mentioned and I wish them all much success...........P.S. We missed not having Fata at the show but FATA SO RULES!!

Mike Potter and Orion studios for having us and Suspyre to kick off our East Coast dates. Mike does this for the love of Progressive music and runs a recording studio at Orions. The people cheered us on and Rich Horner just so RULES....That kat was throwing his hair all over the place and he always supports ZH. (Him and his buddy were at Jaxx as well as John who is a cool kat too.) I met Crankenstein which was awesome and I was sorry to hear Eric who drove 4 hours to see us and unfortunately his friend got sick and he had to drive her back....YOU RULE ERIC and maybe next time bro.

NJPROGHOUSE was just amazing and a show I think none of us will ever forget how awesome it was. Jim and the rest of the crew at NJPROGHOUSE thank you for having us and you just so RULE!!! Greg (ZOD) and Paula, Christina R, AMBR, Dave and Michelle from Beyond Ear Candy who not only made the NJPROGHOUSE show but also made the Hook....YOU ALL ARE SO METAL!!! Rob and Ashley (METAL) our METAL-SISTER Meg, Eric and Nici (METAL-Couple), Tom, my shred brutha Angel who was shredding some licks on my guitar and everyone who came out to make this show so awesome. I know I'm forgetting people but just know you made this show so memorable.

At the Lucky Dog in Worcester MASS we had a MASS-ProgPower crew from that way who just SO RULED!!!! The kats who we all chatted with and came to see us screamed their heads off and it gave so much energy to our show. Marc and his wife for coming out as well. The only problem was we could only play 30 minutes for you guy's and felt so bad the club wouldn't let us play more for you guy's. Luckily they got a great set from Odin's Court and Joe Stump...WAY METAL!!!

Jaxx in Virgina was just so awesome and with bands like Division and Odin's Court you had a KILLER bill......Not to mention all the other bands were very, very good and just a great night for METAL!! My guitar brutha Morgan and his crew all wore ZH shirts and they were right up front with Rich Horner and Eddie just headbanging like crazy. What was awesome is there was a kat from the UK with his lady at the show as well. Mike and the kats from Division just shred-up a KILLER set and talk about way cool guy's. Mike handed us over $60.00 giving us a dollar for every ticket they sold. Now they didn't have to do this and being on the road we need every dollar to survive. Division is a KILLER BAND and all class acts....Please keep supporting Division and I can't wait to hear a new disc from these kats. Matt Johnsen and his fiance drove 4 hours to see us and it was awesome to see our METAL-BRO there. Coldie and her fiance who just cooked up the great eats for Zero Hour. YOU BOTH SO RULE for the awesome food and it didn't last long lol...I did save some for Christina Coldie and thank you so much again.

The Hook in Brooklyn NY was such an awesome show to end the tour on. Having people singing with songs so loud, fists in the air.....IT WAS SO METAL!!!! You had Milton (METAL-BRO and ANGRARULES lol) who brought his buddies who were awesome kats. My Metal bro Kenneth (who drove 5 hours to see us and it was the best to meet you my brutha) DJZH (So great to see you Shawn and you've been there from the start) My brutha Brett from Transcending the Mudane YOU RULE KAT!! Dave Brenner of Earsplit PR who is doing an amazing job for Zero Hour. Milton, Brutha Rick (Odin's Court) Savino (Going off with drums that shred-kat keys man) Greg (ZOD) and Paula, Christina R, AMBR, Dave and Michelle, METAL BRUTHA TW, the crew who was under 18 who were able to come in once we stepped on stage. (These kats waited in the rain the whole time and it was so METAL that James and The Hook let them come in.), All of you were headbanging, screaming singing the songs with us.....All of you in the crowd made this such an amazing show for us and thank you so very much. When we arrived at The Hook we didn't see too many people in the club and thought it was dwindling away. It was like night and day because we were setting up our gear and all of a sudden nothing but heads were on the floor wanting to hear Zero Hour.....The place just filled in and it was an amazing feeling. I almost forgot the kat who is a huge fan of Odin's Court and was wearing their shirt at the Hook. Him and his wife were at the Virgina show and drove all the way to The Hook in Brooklyn NY to attend the show. He was always up front giving high fives both nights and if that's not METAL then I don't know what is. I want to thank The Void for playing in the bill and did a great job opening the night..METAL!!

Just when you think I'm done I have big thank you's going out to Odin's Court, Suspyre, Greg and Paula and the legend himself Ken Golden (Sensory Records-Laser's Edge).

Greg and Paula were so awesome to let us stay at their beautiful home and just the nicest people you could ever meet. They made both our NJ and Brooklyn NY show and all I can say is Greg and Paula are family to Zero Hour. Thank you for everything and you help made our East Coast tour an amazing experience.

Suspyre is an amazing band out of Jersey and I just want to say thanks to Gregg, Clay, Sam, Rich and Andrew you kats RULE!!! These guy's have a great future a head of them and they were so cool to let us use their gear for the first two shows. Clay can really belt out them notes. Please support these kats and be on the lookout for their release on Nightmare. Due to the artwork their release date isn't carved in stone yet but it will be out soon.

I'm so thankful to this great band who was so helpful to us and who are just amazing people. Odin's Court RULES and I want to thank Matt, Rick, Craig, Savino and John for everything they did for us. Matt (Vocalist and guitarist) was so focused in putting some awesome shows together for us and did so with flying colors. Matt and I had many conversations in getting shows together and Matt is the work-horse of Odin's Court and I have so much respect for him. Thank you so much for everything Matt, YOU JUST RULE SHRED-KAT!!! My SHRED-BRO Rick who I first met in 2001 at Progpower 1 Chicago. Rick and I chatted it up for days at Progpower and just knew right away that Rick is one of the nicest kats you could ever meet. Rick and his awesome g/f Barb had Zero Hour over their beautiful house and made us feel so at home. We stayed a couple nights, they cooked for us and we really all had so much fun hanging out and chatting it up all night. Odin's Court and ZH are family and I was so STOKED to see Rick rip it up on stage and the kat has presence. Savino, Craig and John you kats are amazing players (All the kats in Odin's Court for that matter) and thank you guy's so much for all your help.....Look forward to doing this again with you guy's in the future. Want to thank the awesome ladies of Odin's Court Barb, Nicki and Brittany....METAL!!!

A HUGE THANK YOU TO KEN GOLDEN of Sensory Records - The Laser's Edge. We have been with Ken from the start and we couldn't be happier with what he does for us. Ken and if awesome wife Lauren had us stay at their beautiful house and cooked us the most amazing steak. Ken Golden is nothing but class and if it wasn't for him we wouldn't have been able to do these shows. KEN YOU RULE and thank you for everything you do for us and Prog-Metal.

Last but not least the very beautiful Christina Grimaldi who worked her butt off to make this happen. She got everything together with Odin's Court and Suspyre. and she does an amazing job on our myspace page. Her company METAL MAD BABE Bookings helped put together the Hook show and she was the beautiful merch lady at every show...... Some would say I have to say this because she's my lady but really she did more than anyone could ask for.....YOU RULE BEAUTIFUL!!!

Thank you everyone who attended the shows and made us feel so great in what we do. Until next time Raise the Horns!!!!

Jasun, Troy, Mikey and Chris of Zero Hour

P.S. I know I forgot to mention some people but you all RULE and we really appreciate the support.
You guys need to come to Miami/Fort Lauderdale/West Palm beach! I will personally fill a bus with people to see you play.
You guys need to come to Miami/Fort Lauderdale/West Palm beach! I will personally fill a bus with people to see you play.
I could use a vacation in FLA. Bring it on! :rock:
ZHJ&T said:
I almost forgot the kat who is a huge fan of Odin's Court and was wearing their shirt at the Hook. Him and his wife were at the Virgina show and drove all the way to The Hook in Brooklyn NY to attend the show. He was always up front giving high fives both nights and if that's not METAL then I don't know what is. I want to thank The Void for playing in the bill and did a great job opening the night..METAL!!

That's Matt and Andrea Bankes from Pennsylvania. Here's a link to their 'zine, Rising Forces USA.

I finished processing all the photos from The ProgHouse and The Hook last night. I'll put up the link as soon as Dave gets 'em posted.

Damn, those shows were such a good time! So many ProgPower people there, it felt like a reunion. :kickass:
Yes, it was truly an honor and pleasure to have gotten to hang out with you guys and to see your show. It was an awesome night of metal and I am so glad the whole EastCoast tour was a success.

You are welcomed anytime to come back! Let me know in enough advance so I can be sure that I'll be able make your show to see you again!
Thanks for the comments, guys!
It was awesome meeting you, seeing you play, and hanging out with you guys at Friendly's after the ProgHouse show. It's been said many times, but you all are definitely the cools "cats" I've ever met. I wish we could have stayed for the final show, but it was a Sunday night with over an hour's worth of driving to do.
Hopefully you guys will be back before we know it so we can do this all again!
Take care,
Thanks for the comments, guys!
It was awesome meeting you, seeing you play, and hanging out with you guys at Friendly's after the ProgHouse show. It's been said many times, but you all are definitely the cools "cats" I've ever met. I wish we could have stayed for the final show, but it was a Sunday night with over an hour's worth of driving to do.
Hopefully you guys will be back before we know it so we can do this all again!
Take care,

Yeah, I know what you mean. We didn't get out of there until like 12:30 and have over 4 hours of driving in front of us. Our bassist had to be at work @ 8 too! All I know, is that we didn't pull into my driveway until 5:15. Between getting through the Godforesaken Holland Tunnel and stopping for gas and a bio break in Allentown, it took a little bit of extra time. I'm so glad I took off work on Monday!
:cry: Hey at least you get them up north Brett, nothing down here in S.D. but
the Chargers :kickass:

So now you know why I have switched to Sharkblack from Raiderblack until they start winning again! :lol: :lol: :lol:

You don't got no Hockey!! Neener Neener Neener!!!:lol: :lol: :lol:

SHARKS RULE!!:kickass:

I guess I was lucky to see them up here at their first gig. But the album wasn't out so I didn't have the benefit of knowing most of the songs (although they did play Demise and Vestige, my personal favorite!:heh: ), and they hadn't added the other cool older tunes to the set yet. But I get to run into these guys all the time up here, proud to call them my friends! THEM KATS RULE!!!:rock: :Smokin:
The Hook in Brooklyn NY was such an awesome show to end the tour on. Having people singing with songs so loud, fists in the air.....IT WAS SO METAL!!!! You had Milton (METAL-BRO and ANGRARULES lol) who brought his buddies who were awesome kats.

THANK YOU, who finally came to the NY area and played a flawless show. You guys were just UNBELIEVABLE!!! And I'm happy I was able to conver those two into Zero Hour... It was the biggest pleasure hanging out with you guys as well... Stay in touch!!!
It was awesome seeing you guys at the NJ Proghouse, what an intimate gathering of die hards. Christina was as sweet as can be (congrats to you both). It's always fun to talk with Ken Golden and Jim, and it was a nice experience to meet you's. You guys have as much personality as you do talent. Thanks for the experience!!!!!!!!!!! All My Best, Tom Argo
I wasn't able to attend but I think it's so cool seeing another example of how unbelievably cool, gracious and down to earth the ZH clan is. Seeing this incredible attitude again and again from such talented guys does my heart good. Hats off to you guys :kickass: You totally rule:rock: Can't wait until you guys get a little closer to my neck of the woods. Seeing you at PPVII just wasn't enough, I need more :)