Big thanks from PROTOTYPE...


To all that attanded the pre-party on Thursday night we want to thank you for your warm welcome and for your support!

It was great meeting many of you for the first time and we hope to be able to play E. of the M. again soon.

Special thanks to Shane Dubose for putting it all together and for giving us the opportunity in the first place, it was an honor!

Thanks for coming guys! As I mentioned to you guys, you were the reason I came up a day early for the pre-party. I was probably one of the only ones there who had your CD so hopefully you guys will sell a few more now (bring CD's next time guys!) ;) Thanks again for playing the kind of music that you play.
It was great meeting you and you're a true proto-fan for coming early :worship:

CDs were in the plan but never delivered by good ol' Massacre Records. We don't have any of our own CDs unless we buy them and they just didn't come in time for the show, unfortunately.

Hey there, Vince, I was really hoping to meet you after y'all's set (or during the rest of the weekend), but you vanished fairly thoroughly. Oh, well, I'll play some Prototype this weekend. Maybe that "Red Barchetta" cover. :)
My buddy and I were totally blown away by your set and your sound. You have two new fans here, that's for sure!!

:rock: :rock: :rock:

(you are the second person I heard make a comment about Massacre Records - do they ignore doing things on the US side?)
Att. Burke:

You asked Vince about Massacre in your mail. And here's the answer :

Massacre Records only makes deals for Europe, Canada and Australia. They never intend on bringing in stuff in the US, although many of their releases do find their way over there through imports.

The reason why Vince & Prototype never got their CDs is purely my fault ... I was so busy remembering to bring the new Prototype shirts, that I forgot all about the package I received 2 days prior from Massacre with the CDs. What a lousy manager I am :-)

Intromental Management