Big(well to me at least) Question...


Jul 11, 2002
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Hi all, ill try to keep this nice and short and to the point.

Ive spend almost a year trying to get to grips with a music setup I bought(sampler etc), however it just is not happening creatively at all.

Also since investing in this gear my music interests have widened and i have become aware of the fact the setup i may have may not refect what i may be best at/capable of succeding in doing.

My interest in Drums/Drumming has been increaseing thoughout this period to the point were i think it may be a good backup plan so to speak... becuse i know damn well that i want to do something musicly... and Drumming is becomeing more and more apealing.

I will continue to try and get someware with my existing gear at least untill the new year, but what do you guys think of my backup plan.. any comments/advise from people who have been in similar situations and of corse drummers would be of great help.
What exactly are you getting at? I think you're saying you are more of a home studio musician or a electronic musician of some sort, but you want to become a drummer because you think you'd be better at it and like it more. Correct?

If you've got the time, learn as many things as you can. However, I think it's a good idea to be good at one thing in particular if you're going to be in a band. If you can become good at many things, that's even better, though. Just keep from spreading yourself thin over your musical interests. If you love something, you'll work hard and be better at it.

Then again . . . I might have completely misunderstood your statement.
I think I have in part created the problem I am haveing. My listening habbits are eratic to say the least as regards not only the style of music but the methods in which it was created .. createing a diffactulty in pinning down what it is i actuly want to take up and learn instument wise... and what results I want to get out of the whole exercise.

Ive already sunk alot of money and time into the setup I have so I will give my self more of chance with it before trying something else though..

The only thing im *realy* sure of at the moment is I have a musical itch that needs scratched .. prefrebly before i drive my self nuts with flustration and confusion over this whole thing.
There seems to be a big shortage of drummers these days, so I say go for it.

"Our sources say that even though there are fewer drummers these days, the sale of drums and drum equipment itself has not declined. Experts say the reason for Rush's Neal Peart." - The Daily Show:D