Billy is one of the top 5 metal people in history..........


New Metal Member
Apr 10, 2006
to be absolutely hideous!!!1

Befitting a man who grunted and howled about clubbing seals and his hatred of immigrants, Billy Milano is enormous, moose-like, unclean, and foul to the touch. He’s a man you’d expect to consume a rib-eye on stage, but only after railing for twenty, cookie crumb-spewing minutes about the alleged hilarity of starvation in Africa. That he’s still alive at this late date is at least the 623,000th piece of evidence proving we inhabit a godless universe, but we can have a last laugh knowing that his song “No Glove No Love” was not spoken out of experience. Or was it? Enormously mangy racists don’t get laid, even during decades where cocaine ensured even the least among us would taste the forbidden fruit, do they? Depending on the picture -- and I’ve seen dozens – Milano could easily be the world’s ugliest individual -- period -- not just a laughable specimen from the rock world. Here’s one bloated wreck of a man crying out for a cold slab.

Billy's guilty of being fat, not ugly. Besides, there are plenty who have been beaten harder with the ugly-stick.
Alice Cooper
Blackie Lawless
Marylin Manson
Chris Holmes
James Hetfield
Leslie West
Kerry King
Any member of Gwar
Wendy O Williams
Shit, I could go on for days.
Lame...and rather gay post if you ask me. Are you going to list the most attractive next, or something equally gay?

Man, this one really wasn't worth it.

Who the fuck is Matt Cale and why does he like himself so much? Looks like he got a few raps with the ugly stick...and probably a few pokes with the meat stick with an article like that. Fag.
I just went back and looked over that link again and realized some things.
Matt Cale probably gets laid less than anyone on that list. Matt Cale's only notoriety is from tearing down other people's successes. What a cunt.
Buzzard said:
The only person that don't get laid is that guy who wrote that lame ass article and you. oh yeah, and your dead mom..:OMG:
Billy, you couldn't get laid if you walked into a monkey whore house with a basket full of bananas.......mainly because you'd eat them all before you got there.

Also, drawing eyes, a nose and putting lipstick on your hand and calling it "jennifer" doesn't count as getting laid, either.

jks said:
Billy, you couldn't get laid if you walked into a monkey whore house with a basket full of bananas.......mainly because you'd eat them all before you got there. Also, drawing eyes, a nose and putting lipstick on your hand and calling it "jennifer" doesn't count as getting laid, either.

You know what, this page pisses me off more and more each day. I come here because Billy is cool enough to keep US up to date with what he's doing, whether it be nothing, or going on tour. Yet, for some reason, people turn a cool place where you can interact with fans, and Billy alike, into some kind of "Monkey Whorehouse War". Both sides should be ashamed. Lord Predaking blaming Lord Galvitron, Lord Galvitron blaming Lord Predaking, you're all fucking morons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This isn't a history debate class. You're all adding to the dumbness of America by buying into this bullshit. I'm just here to find out about a person who's touched my life, both musically and politically, to think for myself and not to blindly follow one side, which is all I see here. Thanks for ruining it for me assholes

Sorry. Couldn't resist using this post again and again and again...

Jurched said:
You know what, this page pisses me off more and more each day. I come here because Billy is cool enough to keep US up to date with what he's doing, whether it be nothing, or going on tour. Yet, for some reason, people turn a cool place where you can interact with fans, and Billy alike, into some kind of "Monkey Whorehouse War". Both sides should be ashamed. Lord Predaking blaming Lord Galvitron, Lord Galvitron blaming Lord Predaking, you're all fucking morons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This isn't a history debate class. You're all adding to the dumbness of America by buying into this bullshit. I'm just here to find out about a person who's touched my life, both musically and politically, to think for myself and not to blindly follow one side, which is all I see here. Thanks for ruining it for me assholes

Sorry. Couldn't resist using this post again and again and again...

fah-q said:
Billy's guilty of being fat, not ugly. Besides, there are plenty who have been beaten harder with the ugly-stick.
Alice Cooper
Blackie Lawless
Marylin Manson
Chris Holmes
James Hetfield
Leslie West
Kerry King
Any member of Gwar
Wendy O Williams
Shit, I could go on for days.
dude Blackie is way more good looking then Billy:loco:
jks said:
Also, drawing eyes, a nose and putting lipstick on your hand and calling it "jennifer" doesn't count as getting laid, either.

What about calling it Angela?

Or Stuart? Brrrrrrr!!!!!:OMG: :puke:

I'm sure Billy isn't crying himself to sleep about this list, and anyway, what kind of geezer spends his time rating who are the "most ugly men in heavy metal history"?
I'll tell you - chocolate speedway riders. It would be an honour to be crossed off their list, I'm sure. Your arse is safe Billy, sleep easy!
Just when i think i've seen all the really stupid sites there really are out there on the internet... somebody posts that crap and proves to me that there's always one more really, intensely stupid site to view.

why is a guy thinking about the looks of other guys so much, anyway?