Billy Milano....GONE?

Tony Stark

Mar 24, 2005
I'm sure you all have talked about this already Milano's message board gone from UM? Did he get ultimately.....banned? I don't see it in the listing anymore....hmmmm.
he ended asking for his board to get shut down and i believe it did get shut down but i don't know if it's back or not. after hearing the crap that roles out his mouth i don't think it's worth it visiting. and i have no idea if he got banned but if not he's shown half an once of intelligence by backing off for a while. and now its probably just a matter of time before this post gets closed.
I pm'd him making fun of him and in the process he said it'd be back in a week or take that with a grain of salt......or many grains of salt and 5 baskets of fries in billy's case.
I like aa differing oppinion that I can debate against, but I am always willing to try and see things from anothers point of view, thoght I will still try to win them over to my side! :D I like people like Milano, they make me look good! :)
he told me via PM that he was taking it down coz too many Anti - Milano threads were being created and closed within a short period. He wants to focus on getting the website up and using it as a forum to convey his thoughts and not have to recieve the personal slandering.
I would like to apologize for being insensitive about your mom. I never knew she had cancer and If you told me I certainly didn't remember it. Again this I am sincerely sorry for saying.
On another note, Imagine you're in my place and people are coming at you from all directions so the natural reaction for me is to say fuck everyone and everything. I know you have posted on my board for some time and I have always been cool with everyone there but these Internet tough guys are gonna have to pay.
As far as ANTHRAX- I tried to tell everyone the truth about shitty douchebags in the music industry and give the fans a true perspective about those guys and I guess people just don't care. I will keep my dispute with them and everyone else to lawyers and fists from now on.
Once again, My sincerest apologies for my statement about your mom.
( I posted a reply on the Armored Saint board)
[/font]This is the apology he sent me via email...

Billy bad ass said:
I would like to apologize for being insensitive about your mom. I never knew she had cancer and If you told me I certainly didn't remember it. Again this I am sincerely sorry for saying.
On another note, Imagine you're in my place and people are coming at you from all directions so the natural reaction for me is to say fuck everyone and everything. I know you have posted on my board for some time and I have always been cool with everyone there but these Internet tough guys are gonna have to pay.
As far as ANTHRAX- I tried to tell everyone the truth about shitty douchebags in the music industry and give the fans a true perspective about those guys and I guess people just don't care. I will keep my dispute with them and everyone else to lawyers and fists from now on.
Once again, My sincerest apologies for my statement about your mom.
( I posted a reply on the Armored Saint board)

The whole world is out to get me!!!! wahhhhhhhhhhhh
GregadetH said:
Old school, I think you should have kept that apology private.
Poor taste.
He honed up to what he did to you and apologised like a man. Leave it be.
You know what Greg.... fuck him. Besides the fact that he told me he hopes my mother dies of cancer, I dont think he was very sincere, especially after I heard the only reason he said it was because he wants his board back, otherwise, he would have told me to go fuck myself. he can go to hell.
Who cares, that guy's an asshole. Why are we even still talking about him?? He spit in the face of every Anthrax fan, but for some reason people care enough to post about his board. Fuck him, i hope his board never returns. Seriously, he doesn't even deserve to be mentioned here.
I think he is a Hurt, Confused, Angry man. With that Kinda Rage running your mind, ya don't tend to think to well. Spoutin your anger at others is totally fuckin wrong, and saying that you hope ANYONE passes away is Lower than Low. But this is what Hurt, Confused Angry individuals do. That's why it's better to play nice, Not call each other names, not Insult one another and be willing to atleast TRY to hear the other persons point.

It's better to be Kind than Right