Binary Creed - Restitution Swedish Prog/Power


Feb 11, 2002
I just recently ran across this new release from Binary Creed and I think it will appeal to fans of Circus Maximus/Evergrey. Wasn't a huge fan of the low vocals on Dominion but that doesn't appear to prevelent throughout from the other tracks I've heard

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This is Hollow! I recognized the vocals instantly, plus the name is taken from a Hollow song. Good to see the guy is back. Will have to check it out now :headbang:
I remember reading years ago that the singer had trouble with his hearing. I'm assuming he's OK now....

I think he recovered from that a while ago. I remember he actually posted demos for third Hollow album he was working on. He apparently had trouble attracting labels interest and with family obligations and things music took a backseat . Good to see him back.
Nice stuff indeed. Cool to hear new stuff from this Hollow singer .

For those who forgot about Hollow:

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This is a monster disc .....and for me, being an old timer Hollow fan (vocals courtesy of Andreas Stoltz) the driving force behind this disc is indeed him.

His voice sounds more powerful than ever.....but in his defense, Hollow had some tough production. In Binary Creed, his voice is more refined and brought to the forefront.

The music, as some have said, is tough to describe. I've seen one person describe as a hybrid of 80s metal gone progressive, with a modern tone to it.
I've have to agree with that somewhat -- so I'm thinking take some Lethal, throw in Tom Malicoat as well (Andreas sounds eerily like him), add some cool keyboards, give it a modern edge but keep it very melodic and you almost have Binary Creed.....really good stuff.
Both of the Hollow discs contain tons of awesome songs, but as Larry D mentioned the production was very subpar. I listened to the hell out of both disc regardless, but that is the one negative. This Binary Creed disc is really good .. glad to see Andreas is back in the business.

This is a monster disc .....and for me, being an old timer Hollow fan (vocals courtesy of Andreas Stoltz) the driving force behind this disc is indeed him.

His voice sounds more powerful than ever.....but in his defense, Hollow had some tough production. In Binary Creed, his voice is more refined and brought to the forefront.

The music, as some have said, is tough to describe. I've seen one person describe as a hybrid of 80s metal gone progressive, with a modern tone to it.
I've have to agree with that somewhat -- so I'm thinking take some Lethal, throw in Tom Malicoat as well (Andreas sounds eerily like him), add some cool keyboards, give it a modern edge but keep it very melodic and you almost have Binary Creed.....really good stuff.

I guess I'm an oddball cuz I loved the production on the Hollow discs....dirty and crunchy and heavy as hell.
You are dead right about the Lethal comparison...I always thought Hollow sounded a lot like them but with less Queensryche-isms to them. I'll definitely need to pick up Binary Creed....sounds awesome!
I guess I'm an oddball cuz I loved the production on the Hollow discs....dirty and crunchy and heavy as hell.
You are dead right about the Lethal comparison...I always thought Hollow sounded a lot like them but with less Queensryche-isms to them. I'll definitely need to pick up Binary Creed....sounds awesome!

Yeah, I never understood complaints about production on those. Sounded good, especially the crunch on second one.
Alright , I listened to the whole thing now and it's good. Not the riff-o-rama that the Architect of Mind was, but good. Oddly , I don't recognize any of the songs from the Hollow demos of what was to be Hollow s third album . It's been a while though and I don't think I have those mp3s anymore . Maybe this is more of a band effort so they started anew? Andreas is not even listed as a guitarist on band's Facebook. That would explain it too I guess. Oh well, I remember liking those demos Andreas posted . They were definitely more similar in style to Hollow than this album .
Big fan of those Hollow discs and in particular his voice. Looking forward to listening to this. Anyone know where to pick up a physical copy?

***As far as I know, nowhere..... you can download it at Amazon, but the band is about to get some distribution so it may come out soon.....

Side note - Binary Creed is the name of a song from Hollow's "Architect of the Mind" ..... makes sense.
I'm bumping this, in case people missed out on it the first time it was discussed. This is a fantastic record, that's quickly making its way into my Top 5 of 2014. Great prog metal, especially for fan of Crimson Glory and Rage era Queensryche.
I'm bumping this, in case people missed out on it the first time it was discussed. This is a fantastic record, that's quickly making its way into my Top 5 of 2014. Great prog metal, especially for fan of Crimson Glory and Rage era Queensryche.

Thanks for bumping this. I had completely forgotten about this, as it was a disc I wanted to check out further. I made sure to make myself a note to buy this, because the tracks posted sound really, really good.