
Pretty sure they're a partner with Microsoft. All our computers here are imaged with the new Windows 7 and there is Bing shit all over the place. I'm not into it either.
Who is partners with MS? Bing? Bing IS MS. It replaced their "Live Search". Brand overhaul but pretty much the same shit under the hood.

Karen, which browser are you using at work? Most, if not all, will let you change the default search engine even with restricted user rights.
Ah well that's an exception to just being locked into using it to google.

See I say google and not "internet search" all glory to google!
google is the only search engine i ever use; it's kinda crazy how the idea of search engines for me has become forever tied to google. i don't even think about any other search engine ever, google has overtaken all.
Microsoft should really stay out of everything to do with internet browsing, and leave it to Google and Mozilla.

You might change that opinion when... and I almost can't believe I'm actually writing this... IE9 drops in a few months.

Initial benchmarks and demos show that it has the potential to smoke - at least speed-wise - every other browser available right now.
I'm a FF devotee too, but check out the demo and compare it to FF... To say that the difference is impressing is quite an understatement even when you keep in mind that the page has solely been created to showcase IE9's skills.
I liked the old days when there were at least a dozen competing internet search engines to choose from.

Gosh, I was like 9. (I still used the internet back then) Those were the days. What's funny is Yahoo, Ask Jeeves, and Alta Visa used to be my choices. I never used Google until like 2003.