Birdflesh - Mondo Musicale

Bleakest Harvest

\m/Misanthropic Hippy\m/
Nov 11, 2001
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Birdflesh - Mongo Musicale
Candlelight - CDL356 - 2007
By Paddy Walsh


As far as Swedish grindcore acts go, Birdflesh inhabit a place within its ranks best described as 'mid-tier'. Not quite blistering enough to compete with the cutting edge likes of Nasum, nor old school enough to sit alongside the traditionalist grindings of Jigsore Terror, Birdflesh are a unique proposition, even if they're somewhat out on a limb. Mondo Musicale is certainly an entertaining and oft-amusing slice of comedic grindcore in the grand tradition of Anal Cunt - although they've mercifully spared us the juvenile misogyny. Musically Birdflesh are firmly in the early Carcass camp, yet most tracks sport a smattering of film soundbites (and Family Guy, rather brilliantly it must be added) to add to the sense of the absurd that permeates this record. Elsewhere we're treated to songtitles such as 'Handicapitation' and 'After-ski Obliteration'. Can't you just picture them snickering to each other over their bongs when they thought up those snappy titles?

However, unlike too many of the comedy-grind clique, Birdflesh are in fact musically adept, with most of the material on offer melding fast-paced, thrashy grind with a surprising level of catchiness that suits their humour shtick rather well. The opening and title track opens eerily in a 'Dead Skin Mask' kind of way, leaving the listener to ponder what Slayer-esque in-joke they're missing. Elsewhere 'Wedlock' fires on all cylinders, with full-throttle punky grind giving way to a shockingly catchy chorus. 'Dear Driver' has some unsettling background laughter in the mix, whilst 'Dancefloor Dismemberment' includes a carnival breakdown. Mondo Musicale is thus by no means business as usual - more unusual. Varied and enjoyable, Birdflesh have created a consistently engaging album that keeps itself afloat with its refusal to play things safe. They may sound somewhat tame at times compared to the likes of, say Rotten Sound, but as indicated earlier, Birdflesh are very much ina world of their own.

Official Birdflesh Website
Official Candlelight Website