Hey, sorry for the bit nooby question.
But I was wondering when people say master bus in cubase.. is that the stereo output (the last track in the mix with the overall volume) ?.. and is there any difference from doing my mastering on the master bus or doing a mixdown of the mix and then importing the wave into a new project (thats how I do it atm.. cubase got a template called mastering) ?
I tryed to do my best searching for the answer.. but could not really find it, so please bear with me.
But I was wondering when people say master bus in cubase.. is that the stereo output (the last track in the mix with the overall volume) ?.. and is there any difference from doing my mastering on the master bus or doing a mixdown of the mix and then importing the wave into a new project (thats how I do it atm.. cubase got a template called mastering) ?
I tryed to do my best searching for the answer.. but could not really find it, so please bear with me.