Bit of advice please

Mar 11, 2005
Ive just made the move from logic with motu to pro tools HD1. Ive still got the UAD-1 and the powercore compact I was running with logic.

Can anyone here say based on experience if its worth carrying on with the UAD and the powercore or would I be better off selling them on to move upto HD2??

Im not really interested in upgrading to the UAD-2 or a better powercore either...

So does anyone know any pros or cons of either plan??
Couldn't tell based on my own experience, but if that helps, I know that UAD plugins are available on Pro Tools HD (Andy used them at some point - maybe still does), so selling your UAD to get a HD2 will still allow you access to those (double check with Sneap though). But I don't think selling your UAD and Powercore will bring enough cash to even think about another HD card.
Couldn't tell based on my own experience, but if that helps, I know that UAD plugins are available on Pro Tools HD (Andy used them at some point - maybe still does), so selling your UAD to get a HD2 will still allow you access to those (double check with Sneap though). But I don't think selling your UAD and Powercore will bring enough cash to even think about another HD card.

I think it will get me close to a second hand ebayed one from the states.. I got the core card, a 96i/o and the software this way for less than £2.5k
uad plugins are no longer made or supported by universal audio, and they were buggy as fuck!
They inccorectly used too many chips as i recall, so maxed out your hd cards very quickly.

Get uad 2 or a uad1 or 2, much better option
uad plugins are no longer made or supported by universal audio, and they were buggy as fuck!
They inccorectly used too many chips as i recall, so maxed out your hd cards very quickly.

Get uad 2 or a uad1 or 2, much better option

Yeah Ive got a uad 1 and the plugins work fine.
sorry... shouldve clarified, i meant the TDM plugins!

if youve already got an hd card and a uad and a decent mac; you'll be laughing