Black Dahlia

Oct 13, 2003
NL - Gelderland
ok i went to the Black Dahlia Murder yesterday,

the starting band was The Red Chord, damn those guys where good
their guitarist the small chubby one plays guitar like its nothing
i was blown away by it.

after that, the band Job For A Cowboy came...well those guys sucked ass
boring as hell :p

But then the Black Dahlia Murder came those guys where mindblowing i havent had such a good show in a long time.
and now my neck hurts :p for the first time again in like 2 years
ok i went to the Black Dahlia Murder yesterday,

the starting band was The Red Chord, damn those guys where good
their guitarist the small chubby one plays guitar like its nothing
i was blown away by it.

after that, the band Job For A Cowboy came...well those guys sucked ass
boring as hell :p

But then the Black Dahlia Murder came those guys where mindblowing i havent had such a good show in a long time.
and now my neck hurts :p for the first time again in like 2 years

i saw them live with Red Chord and Cannibal Corpse.

There drummer is crazy...and yes, they do kick some ass live!!!
unhallowed was such a great CD when i first heard it...

now... i like miasma more :D
Nocturnal is okay too.

the only gripe i have is their CDs are too bloody short; i can listen to the entire disc and halfway repeat it in the time it takes me to drive to school