black metal and death metal rule the fest




it seems to me as if everybody wants some black metal and deth metal this year dimur bogir and immortal are good black metal bands when inflames and children of bodom are good but has anyone thought about raging speedhorn they sound alot like iron monkey who are fuckin brilliant so i think this year should be black metal and deth metal theamed as every fan has asked for bands who fit this genre oh and lets not forget that doom metal band who happen to be the best band ever MY DYING BRIDE

If you want black/death metal I recommend a band called Stand.

They're from Grimsby I believe. They're like a metalcore band with death and black metal influences, and they do kick ass. They have a website so if I manage to get the address I'll post it here!

I personally think arch enemy would be a brilliant addition!

Yeah Arch Enemy would rule...

On second thoughts Stand wouldn't be recommended for Bloodstock, they wouldn't fit in and they're not really that good.

Dimmu Borgir are NOT black metal, maybe the first 2 albums, but then they 'evolved' into an rather shitty extreame metal band, bit like Cradle of Filth

Primordial are playing... what more do you need than that?