I don't like true black metal...but all the stuff that has come out in the past 8 years I love. Dimmu, CoF(there not BM anymore though), Dissection, Old Man's Child, Anorexia Nervosa, Shade Empire :headbang:

I'm putting together my own too :headbang:
No, seriously! I borrowed some Nargaroth CD (I couldn't even fucking read what it said on it) off a friend and 10 minutes into it I was knocked out.
I find it absurd, so I tend to laugh a lot when I hear it. When I have the misfortune of actually witnessing a video, I get a real deep belly laugh. I can usually find something redeeming in most music, but black metal is completely devoid of anything worthwhile.

Let me qualify that last statement; the black metal I've heard has been completely devoid of anything worthwhile.
what I hate about black metal is.......all of the cd covers logo's look like snot blowing in the wind ..and usually they sound like snot too :loco: .

DARKTHRONE/I.C.E. :OMG: /Behemoth/Limbonic Art/Zyklon/ all freak-n-rule...
what the hell is black metal? i have this idea but its very vague as descriptions of it are often very lacking. how is BM different from death metal? DM i like...
Black metal is generally less heavy, not downtuned, faster, involving much more straightforward rhythms, and having actual harmonies. Also, vocals are pretty different - rasping rather than growling. Personally, I like both, though as with many genres there's a huge load of shit to sift through to find the good stuff. I like Emperor, Bodom (not entirely black metal), Shade Empire, Immortal, Old Man's Child, and a bit of Borknagar. Other stuff that I found was just annoying, and being as it's the latest trend, there's a LOT of other stuff. Either way, there is no arguing that the whole black metal bit that isn't the music is the funniest shit around - between the corpsepaint, and the paganism, and the weapons, and the nordic heritage, and the arson...
you guys need to check out Arsis. best guitarist in that genre. Their song "The Face of my Innocence" is complete \m/>_<\m/ (sry to whoever has that in their profile or signature or whatever, but thats the best way to describe it). The death metal band im in, Aborted Existence, is sorta like them, but heavier and more Devourement style breakdowns. i just got done recording the drum tracks for our new cd, and we recorded a black metal song as a joke. we took some pictures also, including some gay black metal ones, only we left out the gay face paint and gay spikes. We tried to get those in time for the pictures, but the trolls of satan dwelling in the dark caves of the northern forest are a buncha slackasses and didnt get 'em to us in time. whatever. i only like Kalmah, Arsis (their like 10% black metal so wtf), Skyfire and sometimes bodom. ...actually none of those bands are really stereotypical black metal. they are black metal by some standards, but they arent gay about it. word.

the Aborted Existence site is gonna be down for a few days while we update it, but it should be worth the wait.
Well, it's nice to see some people who don't shit their pants with awe when the words 'black metal' are mentioned, but you guys definitely got to check some more out than that.

The funny thing is, BM fans would call most prog metal total shit. I'm lucky enough to listen to everything, though, so I don't think that.

A board war between this place and GMD would be funny.