Black Metal Documentary (vid inside)


Neco quod exsisto iuguolo
Jun 12, 2006
I hope this is not a repost... I searched and found nothing.

Awesome documentary from Norway (?)
Split into three 10 minute videos... the sound is messed up for the first minute, but you miss nothing and it is fine after that.
I had read a while ago that a documentary movie based on the same happenings in the Lords of Chaos book is being made. It supposedly will go by the same name as the book.
8sideways said:
I had read a while ago that a documentary movie based on the same happenings in the Lords of Chaos book is being made. It supposedly will go by the same name as the book.

I can't wait until it comes out.
Yes they are filming the Lords of Chaos book. American production unfortunatly *sigh* with the author of the book in close cooperation with who ever it was that got the job as director of that movie.

No Frost is not Gay ;)
Bisexual maybe don't know him personaly
As for a shitty drummer.... well he is one of the two best in Norway at current so that much for that, acctually played drums as a session drummer on the new Gorgoroth album