Black Metal Drum sound... Wolves in the Throne Room esque


New Metal Member
May 4, 2009
Hey there! I've been working on making a trashy old school garage black metal band drum sound out of the Evil Drums expansion for S2.0. My goal is to make the drums sound like they were recorded in a foggy Norwegian forest at midnight using an 8 track and 1 microphone running off a European car battery immediately after the sacrifice of the neighbors cat to appease the gods of olde. (I joke, I love cats. Mine is preggo and about to have kittens. KVLT!)

Or really just to make them sound realistic in their badness and not programmed! I turned off all the mics besides the overheads and the kick, which I EQ'ed some of the low end out of. So I pretty much just used the OH and the ambient mics, threw on Waves' Vintage Compressor, an analog tape emulator, and a bit of EQ.

And here is a version with a quick guitar track over it for compare and contrast purposes:

How am I doing so far? Any tips for how to make good drum samples sound... not as good?
If you're going for a black metal sound the kick has to be obnoxiously clicky and the snare should be much brighter than what you have here. The drums in the clip are too boxy it sounds like. If you want good samples to sound "not as good" I wouldn't mess with the eq much, instead try putting some kind of distortion or other unnatural effects on 'em to bring in the "foggy forest" sound lol
If you're going for a black metal sound the kick has to be obnoxiously clicky

What black metal have you been listening to?
The kick sounds fine to me, the snare could probably do with some more high end, but it's kinda hard to tell out of the context of the other instruments.
Well but I think Dimmu Borgir is not that kind of "Black" (they aren't really black metal) Metal which he is searching for.
Yeah I'm not going for an overproduced modern triggered kit black metal sound... I tried to make that clear with my over the top funny description haha.

I would like to mess with the snare more but if I add in more high end I'd be messing with the cymbals too, since I'm not using the snare mic, just the overheads. I just want it to sound like a real kit and not programmed. Thanks though :)