Black metal fanatic


Carving A Giant
Aug 29, 2007
I love black metal in most forms and it dominates my cD player.I like old scholl death metal to,especially the swedish stuff of the early "90's god macbre and the like.METAL TILL DEATH!!!!
Nice! My name is Jade. i like any kind of musiv you throw at me. I love to write poetry, stories, and songs, but have trouble writing anything structured, like sonnets. i admire those that do. I enjoy thinking in terms of philosophy, and enjoy singing most. I don't know where i would be without my voice. I am sight impaired, but my blindness, or half blindness never seems to bother me, because i have my voice. I love everything. I hope to meet new people on this forum. Oh, I have a Took phobia, but am very respectfull of them. See you on the forum.
me you we r addicted to black metal. if i dont get my three hour daily fix i go insane and throw stuff round my room. serious
i am always listening to something.Lately it has been the xasthur/nortt split and the first 2 ulver albums.:headbang:
Nice! My name is Jade. i like any kind of musiv you throw at me. I love to write poetry, stories, and songs, but have trouble writing anything structured, like sonnets. i admire those that do. I enjoy thinking in terms of philosophy, and enjoy singing most. I don't know where i would be without my voice. I am sight impaired, but my blindness, or half blindness never seems to bother me, because i have my voice. I love everything. I hope to meet new people on this forum. Oh, I have a Took phobia, but am very respectfull of them. See you on the forum.

Welcome to the board Jade..:wave: PM me some of your poetry.. i like reading it... some of my fave poets are Robert Frost, Walt Whitman, Khalil Gibran, Rumi etc.. also what bands do you like? ...

i am always listening to something.Lately it has been the xasthur/nortt split and the first 2 ulver albums.:headbang:
What other BM bands do you like other then the ones you just named? .. I recently bought Sargeist's Satanic Black Devotion... excellent album/band imo...

listening to belphegor, just got the CD listening t for 1st trime. its freaking sweet!

I love Belphegor... I have two of their albums.. excellent band but very underrated... they aren't BM though... which album did you get? ...