Black Metal song (old Deathspell Omega style)

First thing that comes to mind is to narrow the stereofield on the drums and widen it on guitars. Right now it sounds like the drummer is running his legs of to hit his crashes and rides on either sides of the stage. :)
And the bass is a bit blurry/rumbling/lacking definition to me, but that could be my ears.
But that's it complaint-wise.
would love to have a good mixing this myself if you would be willing to upload the tracks?

sounds good so far, any plan for vocals?
It like it
I'm not a big fan of that drumbeat, i think it kind of get's old after a while
Maybe try switching it up between that and a blastbeat?
H-H-H-H                H-H-H-H
-S-S-S-S               -S-S-S-S
-K-K-K-K               K-K-K-K
I don't know shit about black metal though
chuggg: I might upload something a little later. No plan for vocals, feel free to do your own though!

I actually lifted the structure straight from a DSO song ;D
I was thinking of adding a couple of blast beats but I was really trying to emulate what DSO was doing on Inquisitors Of Satan.
The monotony isn't helped by the lack of vocals.

I think I've sorted out the boomy low end... Mix - 5.mp3
