Black Metal Vinyl for Auction


New Metal Member
May 21, 2004
A few bits and pieces I'm selling at the moment on Ebay.

Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss - LP

Gorgoroth - The Last Tormentor - 7"

Dimmu Borgir - Inn I Evighetens Morke - 7"

Burzum - Filosofem - Double LP

Gorgoroth - Pentagram - LP

Darkthrone - Total Death - LP

Any inquiries about these items would be best made via email, either through the link on each auction page or the address listed in my profile here.

Thanks for taking a moment to read this message.
Seeing it put that way, I don't really blame you for being sceptical I suppose!

This is the first time I have listed items on Ebay, so I can't really do very much about my lack of seller feedback.

Photos, on the other hand, I have sorted out; I have added pictures of all items to the description on each page.

For that matter, if you'd like to see an image image of the items I am currently auctioning all together at once, you can use the address below:

Again, thanks for taking a moment to read this message.
I'll re-use the text I posted in another forum when someone asked me basically the same question:

To be honest, I'm not a 'serious' vinyl collector, in that I have various bits and pieces I've gotten over the years, but I don't have crates and crates of LPs as some do. Thus, I've been thinking recently I should set some of them free, so to speak, and give some others the opportunity to get hold of some of these things. Having said that, I'm not so altruistic as to give them away, hehe...

Thus, depending on how these auctions go, I may list some more items in the future.

Not to mention that some extra funds might be handy for a couple of plans I'm considering for the near future, but that's another matter...

Even if I only get the first bid/reserve amounts I set for each item, I'll be satisfied; that's why I set them relatively low in some cases [I have a feeling some people haven't realised these auctions and the postage prices quoted are in Australian dollars, not US...]
Thybault said:
Thus, depending on how these auctions go, I may list some more items in the future.

Even if I only get the first bid/reserve amounts I set for each item, I'll be satisfied; that's why I set them relatively low in some cases [I have a feeling some people haven't realised these auctions and the postage prices quoted are in Australian dollars, not US...]

cool, be sure to post about it here then

you're probably right, when people see $ they immediately think US, the aussie dollar i pretty weak i noticed when i converted those prices into swedish crowns, it's tempting but i'm not the kind of guy who'll pay huge sums for lps (unless it's the 3pic lp ulver box :grin:) though i do enjoy collecting them