Black Stone Cherry - Info?


Apr 3, 2008
Clearwater, FL, U.S.A
Have only listened casually to these guys and wasn't overly impressed. However, a buddy in Sweden recently saw them live and apparently walked away an instant fan. They are playing here locally soon and I'm on the fence on going with so many great shows just around the corner.

Any thoughts on these guys? Should I give them a serious listen? Should I go to the show?
Have only listened casually to these guys and wasn't overly impressed. However, a buddy in Sweden recently saw them live and apparently walked away an instant fan. They are playing here locally soon and I'm on the fence on going with so many great shows just around the corner.

Any thoughts on these guys? Should I give them a serious listen? Should I go to the show?

They would probably be fun to check out live, but I doubt you'll be blown away. They're simply ok to me. I got very bored with them early on during their first release.

I'd give them a shot. They're one of the only bands I've heard on modern rock radio that I can stomach. I've heard their live album and it was pretty good. If you like southern rock and blues, then you should like them. I've yet to see them, but plan on changing that as soon as I can.
Have only listened casually to these guys and wasn't overly impressed. However, a buddy in Sweden recently saw them live...
Ironically, I also saw these guys in Sweden. They were OK... at best. To sum them up, they are what Roadrunner Records thinks is Blues. I'd be curious to hear what these kids are doing in ten years. Right now, they're just not that good.

Saw them when they opened for Theory of a Deadman last year @ the House of Blues in Orlando.

Didn't know anything by them before the show and left a fan of them. Put on a good good / fun show. I found a used copy of the recent CD and picked it up. I don't know if I would make a point to travel to see them ,but if they were local or on a bill with another band(s) I really like then I would go see them again.