Black Tide Anyone?


Granada Porch Crew
Feb 25, 2004
Has anyone ever heard this band out of Miami, Fl.? I ran accross these guys on myspace and all I can say is "Holy Shit Batman"! These boys rock!:rock:
They have a great old school metal sound and have already been on HeadBanger's Ball.

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After listening to the album, I could see them at a future progpower, that is if they don't cost too much.
I bought thier cd today and I think it is excellent. Old school heavy metal riffs are throughout this cd and I think their average age is what, 16? The 16 year olds I see today wear their jeans down to the ground, hat cocked to the side, and speak hip-hop shit. And the worse thing about it is they are white! These are the 16 year olds I see, at least these are the ones I try to run down in the middle of the road! Black Tide, hell yeah, young brethren!:rock:
I believe their young age turns most people off on this forum, but to hell with that! These kids lay it down and have a bright future ahead of them. That is, if they stay focused on their music and don't let all the other B.S. that comes along with it over shadow their work. Let's hope not...
