Black Tide - Post Mortem

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
These boys released a melodic trad metal album and everyone thought how cool - a bunch of really young guys who had classic rock and metal influences. Guess what? They were faking..back to A7X type melodic screamo metal on the new album. Not saying it was awful crap but it sure as hell wasn't a continuation of the last album. They are getting a hell of a lot of stick for this change but they probably don't give a fuck as they are laughing all the way to the bank with the A7X, Trivium crowd buying into it.

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It was cool that they were doing traditional metal, but they just weren't very good at it songwriting-wise. They seem to naturally take to this style, it's really good and current while still showing off their more than respectable playing skills.

Very weird look the singer's got though.
this isn't screamo. i hear a hell of a lot more singing than screaming. and if his shouting vocal style is considered screaming, that again is still singing just more gruff sounding. this song is pretty "meh" just like i thought their debut album was.
I should have known better when I saw this available used the same week it came out, but I bought it anyway. It's nothing like the debut at all. Now they sound just like every other Bullet For My Valentine style band. Not bad, but virtually identical to the rest of the pack. What a disappointment from such a promising young band.