BLACK VEIL BRIDES Singer And Wife Comment On Airplane Fight


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
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Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
BLACK VEIL BRIDES vocalist Andy Biersack and his wife, Los Angeles-based singer/songwriter Juliet Simms, who is best known as a contestant on the 2012 season of the NBC reality TV talent competition "The Voice", have commented on the incident over the weekend when they allegedly got into a physical fight on an American Airlines flight. Simms and Biersack were flying from Charlotte to Los Angeles Sunday night when they started feuding in their first-class seats. Witnesses told TMZ that Juliet got louder and louder, after which she claimed that Andrew hit her in the face. Flight attendants warned them to calm down, but 20 minutes later, they were arguing again and had to be separated. Juliet remained "out of control," and an air marshal ended up handcuffing her. Video footage of part of the exchange showed Juliet apparently accusing Andy multiple times of breaking her ribs. Once the plane landed, police detained Simms and handed her off to the FBI, which had jurisdiction since the fight happened in the air. Law enforcement sources told the site she was questioned and released. On Tuesday, November 1, Biersack posted the following message to his official Instagram: "You may have read online that my wife and I had a scary and traumatic experience on our return flight from [Tennessee] this weekend. We are currently home and safe and trying to emotionally recover from all of this. The unfortunate event itself compounded with online stories and videos show an isolated but difficult moment for my wife and I encourage you to read her statement on her Instagram regarding the situation as I feel it is best that any information comes from her directly. "Many of you know that I recently decided to live entirely sober. In the past, I struggled with the concept of alcohol and my own personal demons and so a year ago I decided it was time to move on from it and start down the path to sobriety. I believe alcohol is one of the most poisonous and volatile substances we as a society have at our disposal and that it can truly hurt and affect people in the most negative way. "My wife no longer drinks, but due in large part to a myriad of recent upsets, including some tragic family news, she became intoxicated during the flight and was left confused, blacked out and disoriented. She said things that are not true and are in no way her or a part of her character and, despite rumors or conjecture, I will definitively state that we have a happy and harmonious marriage. "It is my duty as her husband to make sure everyone is aware of how much I love her, how kind and strong she is and her resolve to learn from this and for both of us to move forward as a healthy, loving family. "Thank you to every one of you who have stood by our side in this time of pain and we vow to continue to be there for anyone who needs it. Remember that no one is perfect, we all fall down sometimes. What matters is that we get back up stronger. "Lastly, we're sorry that this was brought to your attention and if it in any way pulled you from real issues in the world, your family etc. I think we can all agree our time is better spent trying to help one another rather than tear each other down for moments of weakness or mistakes. Please remember that the greatest way we can see one another for what we truly are is with kindness, empathy and compassion. Everything else will only block the light of humanity." On her own Instagram account, Simms wrote: "Spending my teenage years on the road and recording away from home from age 17, I learned a LOT more about the world than a young girl should.Many of you do not know much about my career pre-'The Voice' or ever meeting my beloved husband, Andy. I mention this now as a caution to the young, talented people out there who think they are immune to the effects of drugs/alcohol.To some young people drinking is funny, no big deal or regarded as cool. But alcohol is potentially life-ruining, and can even be deadly if you drink too much, drink on an empty stomach or at high altitudes like I did. Girls, the smaller you are the faster the effect.That's why I rarely drink; I cannot handle it, and when I do, I turn into someone I am not. This may not be true for everyone, but it is for me and for many of my peers in the music industry who have bravely and completely quit after years of struggle. "So, I apologize to my husband for what I did and said and for upsetting anyone who was caught up in this. "Those of you very loving and caring fans, we thank you for all of your loyal support and kindness. We really love you and appreciate you sticking your necks out for us even on a bad day. There's so much to this story and so much history involved, it's not easily understood, nless you were us. "I really did not intend for our misfortune on the baby-making subject to be aired in the way it was, but we are young and healthy, and are told this happens, so are happily looking forward to the future with children. "I do ask for people not to fill in the holes when they hear partial stories, so want to own up to the fact that I've got demons I face time to time and it's something I'm quiet about, because I've always wanted to be strong for the people in my life and the people I set an example for. "I truly regret my weakness and letting it get the best of me for the world to see. I am human, but this was a poor display of who I truly am, my heart and what I have to offer. Falling down does not define me; it's how I stand back up. "I vow to move forward in a happy/healthy way and learn from this. "From the very bottom of my heart, I am sorry. Spending Halloween with my loving husband and our animals. Love you all."

You may have read online that my wife and I had a scary & traumatic experience on our return flight from TN this weekend. We are currently home and safe and trying to emotionally recover from all of this.The unfortunate event itself compounded with online stories & videos show an isolated but difficult moment for my wife & I encourage you to read her statement on her IG @thejulietsimms regarding the situation as I feel it is best that any information comes from her directly. Many of you know that I recently decided to live entirely sober. In the past I struggled with the concept of alcohol and my own personal demons and so a year ago I decided it was time to move on from it & start down the path to sobriety. I believe alcohol is one of the most poisonous & volatile substances we as a society have at our disposal & that it can truly hurt & affect people in the most negative way. My wife no longer drinks but due in large part to a myriad of recent upsets including some tragic family news she became intoxicated during the flight and was left confused, blacked out & disoriented. She said things that are not true and are in no way her or a part of her character and despite rumors or conjecture I will definitively state that we have a happy and harmonious marriage. It is my duty as her husband to make sure everyone is aware of how much I love her, how kind and strong she is and her resolve to learn from this & for both of us to move forward as a healthy, loving family. Thank you to every one of you who have stood by our side in this time of pain and we vow to continue to be there for anyone who needs it. Remember that no one is perfect, we all fall down sometimes. What matters is that we get back up stronger. Lastly, we're sorry that this was brought to your attention and if it in any way pulled you from real issues in the world, your family etc. I think we can all agree our time is better spent trying to help one another rather than tear each other down for moments of weakness or mistakes. Please remember that the greatest way we can see one another for what we truly are is with kindness, empathy & compassion. Everything else will only block the light of humanity.

A photo posted by Andy Biersack (@andyblack) on Nov 1, 2016 at 7:29pm PDT

Spending my teenage years on the road and recording away from home from age 17, I learned a LOT more about the world than a young girl should.Many of U do not know much about my career pre The Voice or ever meeting my beloved husband, Andy. I mention this now as a caution to the young, talented ppl out there who think they are immune to the effects of drugs/alcohol.To some young people drinking is funny, no big deal or regarded as cool.But alcohol is potentially life ruining, and can even be deadly if you drink too much, drink on an empty stomach or at high altitudes like I did.Girls, the smaller you are the faster the effect.That's why I rarely drink, I cannot handle it, and when I do, I turn into someone I am not.This may not be true for everyone but it is for me and for many of my peers in the music industry who have bravely and completely quit after years of struggle.So, I apologize to my husband for what I did and said and for upsetting anyone who was caught up in this.Those of you very loving and caring fans,we thank you for all of your loyal support and kindness.We really love you and appreciate you sticking your necks out for us even on a bad day.There's so much to this story and so much history involved it's not easily understood,unless you were us. I really did not intend for our misfortune on the baby making subject to be aired in the way it was, but we are young and healthy, and are told this happens so are happily looking forward to the future with children.I do ask for people not to fill in the holes when they hear partial stories, so want to own up to the fact that I've got demons I face time to time and it's something Im quiet about because I've always wanted to be strong for the people in my life and the people I set an example for. I truly regret my weakness and letting it get the best of me for the world 2 see. I am human but this was a poor display of who I truly am, my heart and what I have to offer. Falling down does not define me, it's how I stand back up. I vow to move forward in a happy/healthy way and learn from this.From the very bottom of my heart, I am sorry. Spending Halloween with my loving husband and our animals. Love you all

A photo posted by Juliet Simms Biersack (@thejulietsimms) on Oct 31, 2016 at 10:19pm PDT

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