Black'n'Doom: specialists' help required...


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Sep 4, 2003
So, a friend of mine has this project going on about a sociologic study of the metalheads landscape. The book is actually 90% written as we speak, its conclusions drawing on a pool of more than 2.000 questionnaires. His work is quite competent as far as I can tell, as it doesn't fall into the usual flaws and clichés. A few editors have shown interest already

I'm more worried that he's counting on me to contribute a couple glossary texts about the history and evolution of two styles, namely black metal and doom metal. I'm on the verge of refusing the "honor" for lack of competence, even though it should really be no big deal, like no more than two Word pages worth of synthesis - naming the main facts, main actors, main style evolutions, some technical details and the topics tackled by the music...

I was wondering, well, you know, since there are a bunch of all-knowers roaming this forum... whether I could dig a couple helping hands, who'd fancy having their names in letters of gold in the book :D Erik, what about some productive boredom for a change?

i'm no help but would just like to say that the book sounds interesting and you should keep us posted. and i like boobs.
Sounds cool. If I ever decide to go for sociology in grad school, I might pursue something like this. There's always stuff out there to study, and I know I have what it takes. Academia just bores and frustrates me. cant fucking wait to get out of school.
i turned (this thread) into a monster

sorry Ellestin. just think of every boobies reply a nice friendly bump for your cause. :Spin: