Blade III is the biggest piece of shit I've seen in a long, long time...


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Holy fuck that was bad, especially considering how good parts 1 & 2 were. And now Wesley Snipes is suing New Line Cinema because his contract stipulated that he would approve any director, but he didn't for Blade 3, and NOW HE'S COMPLAINING? Well, I guess you don't know what the film's going to be like until it's completely done, even if you're the star.

Nevertheless, fucking horrible film, and completely tarnished Blade IMO. I'll stick with the first one and the glorious follow up, and leave it at that thank you berry munch.
I thought the second one sucked. THe whole Whistler was kept alive plot line was stupid. Not to mention that "vampires" whose mouths expanded and looked like a fucked up baby-bearing vagina with tentacles.
Second one sucked? Are you nuts? I actually think it was better than the first. Guillermo Del Toro at his finest (after Devils Backbone of course). Those new vampires, with the shell around the heart, were awesome.

But this new one, ugh. You know it's bad when the actors dismiss the film themselves. Case in point: Blade 3 and Elektra. What a joke.
JayKeeley said:
Those new vampires, with the shell around the heart, were awesome.
Seriously, those dudes have to be some of my favorite baddies evAr! :headbang:

Dammit, I don't like to hear that Blade III sucked. I still want to see it eventually, since the first two kicked so much ass. Was watching part II on spanish TV the other day, haha.
One Inch Man said:
Seriously, those dudes have to be some of my favorite baddies evAr! :headbang:

Remember that scene in the sewer? When there's hundreds of them running down the corridors, chasing Blade & co, and he's got that ultra-violet grenade thing? That part ruled! [/Farley]

Dammit, I don't like to hear that Blade III sucked. I still want to see it eventually, since the first two kicked so much ass.

Yeah, I couldn't believe it. I waited for it on DVD, just so I could rent the unrated version. No good. You won't even believe it belongs in the trilogy, it's THAT bad. The dialogue, acting, all atrocious. Do you know the storyline? They dig up Dracula in Syria etc? Turns out to be some dude called Drake that looks like a gay bouncer....oh man, just avoid it and watch the original "Dark Water" instead before the remake gets released.
Totally agree - I absolutely love the first two flicks, and I made the mistake of going to see Blade III at the cinema... I almost managed to convince myself that I liked it for a full few hours after the movie, before the terrible truth that I'd just witnessed a true cinematic abortion fully clanged home. Why were the vampires badass in the first two films, but complete pussies in this one? Why did we get all the slo-mo shots of Dracula running fast, jumping over high shit, etc., when we already know regular vamps can do that? What was with that whole 'human final solution' sub-plot that was introduced and then never mentioned again - ever! Why did Blade talk so goddamn much, but never seem to say anything but 'Fuck'? Why can't Parker Posey act? Why did I see this piece of shit?