Blaze wants to kill a maiden fan?

SirLardsAlot said:
Nope, that's the infamous "Crowd member spits on Blaze and Steve" video.
Not a big Blaze fan, but this kinda thing pisses me off. "Fans" like this and the DOD ice and bottle tossers in LA suck... wish these people would just stay home... of course these cowards would never do such things on a public street where they'd be sure to get their heads kicked in. Show some respect!:yell:
Besides the "OOOOOOOOOOooooooOOooooOOOO" part, the only think that sucked was I think he forgot the lyrics at one point. The band sounded good though.
I downloaded that when someone posted it on Maiden's BB and thought it had to be the best Blaze rant ever!! How scary is that guy when he's angry, Steve as well - if looks could kill..... Steve even stopped playing which I was shocked about. When he started again he wasn't even paying any attention to what he was doing. I loved Janick's little "gesture" at the end tho, that was great!! I couldn't believe how many times he said "fuck" in that rant!!!

P.s. I have to agree that it was undoubtly one of the worst renidtions of The Trooper ever!! Even, I can do better (and I get the words right too!! :p )