Bleed the Sky Discography.... Help???

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I was looking up Bleed the Sky's discography, and on all the websites I looked on there was only one album: Paradigm in Entropy. But also, I've found another album called Reveille, which also seems to be by Bleed the Sky (and Lace). Is this the same bleed the sky, and if it is does anyone know whether it's just bleed the sky or is it a split album with Lace???
According to their record label Nuclear Blast, they only have released Paradigm in Entropy. I bet the other one is a different band with the same name. It is a rather cookiecutter metalcore name if I may say so.
Bleed the Sky and Laced are both albums by Reveille, which is a totally different band and isn't what you're looking for.

edit: Reveille is rap-metal/rock just so you guys know.
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