Bleed the Sky - Paradigm in Entropy

Bleakest Harvest

\m/Misanthropic Hippy\m/
Nov 11, 2001
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Bleed the Sky - Paradigm in Entropy
Nuclear Blast - NB1380 - 25/04/2005
By Patrick Walsh


Bleed the Sky join the ever-swelling ranks of metalcore, modern thrash, NWOAHM, or whatever you want to call it with their debut album Paradigm in Entropy. The closest reference point would probably be Chimaira, as the vocal rasp of Noall Robinson comes quite close to those to be found on the aforementioned's Impossibility of Reason release (unsurprising considering Paradigm in Entropy's production was handled by Ben Schigel' who also turned the knobs for Chimaira's last effort). Furthermore, Paradigm in Entropy is chock full of melodic, cleanly sung choruses that are pretty much indicative of what's out there at the moment.

So how do Bleed the Sky hold up against the more established names of the scene? Quite well in fact, Paradigm in Entropy is quite a well-accomplished piece of work, but that said it fails to bring anything remotely new to what is fast becoming a scene over-saturated with also-rans. The clean vocals stand out because they're definitely above average and pack quite a punch without ever sounding annoying or whiny, a problem that affects many of their peers. There's some great guitar and drum work to be found throughout this album, not to mention a slight Sepultura-ish feel in places, but the band's inexperience can be found within the lack of any truly memorable songs. Most of this album is likely to pass you by fairly unnoticed, with only the occasional interesting guitar lick or vocal pattern to prick up your ears every once in a while. 'Minion' soars nicely, and 'Skin un Skin' has an excellent, catchy chorus, but overall Bleed the Sky need to go further to harness the strengths of the particular style they're playing, and in this case they'd to well to simply go for it and not worry too much about being aggressive, as it's clear they have to ability to write some high quality American thrash to stand alongside the best that's on offer today.


Bleed the Sky's Official Website
Nuclear Blast's Official Website