Blending Multiple VST Amps..How?


May 20, 2010
Izmir, Turkey
Well, title says everything..Is there an easy way to blend 2 or 3 amps to achieve some kind of "unique" sound? There's an option within GR4 named Control Room, but its not that enough..Waiting for your ideas..
Copy to each track and then freeze the track (depending on the DAW. I use Cubase). It'll apply the effect to the waveform and unload the VSTs, and when you unfreeze, it'll unapply the VST to the waveform and load it back up.

This is how I use Nebula. Two instances of it, and it starts bogging my system. So I'll load up my amp/cab sims, play my part, and freeze the track. When I want to add more, I unfreeze it. This way, there's only ever one unfrozen track.
well, i have a Amd X3 730, 3 cores namely, yet after lots of enabled plugins, it starts to "stutter"..

I thought this "freezing" thing only works for VSTI's..I'll give a try..
That freeze thing in Nuendo 4(or Cubase, same thing), works only with VSTI's, sadly..

nope, it works with track too.

Be careful with phase issues.
Every amp sim has different phase, even using the same sim with different gain settings.