Blessing in Disguise...

i believe this is the 5,863rd time you've told everyone how great it is. I might be wrong, it could be more. But yes, i do agree with you Dad, it is a damn good album, front to back!
Bryant said:
Okay, someone else put this masterpiece in the player like moi. I am pretty much getting my ass kicked by this !!!


:lol: Blessing in Disguise is Fucking Classic! ... Fake Healer, Anthem of the Estranged, Badlands ... Other songs which titles I have forgotten! hahaha its a great album and actually I am quite find of all 3 albums Mike Howe did with MC! with Hanging in the Balance being an underrated classic!!!
Wicked Child said:
i believe this is the 5,863rd time you've told everyone how great it is.

Well it's not enough!

The spell can't be broken
You all have been chosen
You're dying for me
Demoralized servant to my every need
Wicked Child said:
i believe this is the 5,863rd time you've told everyone how great it is. I might be wrong, it could be more.

Classic record!
Unlike "Weight of the World"... *insert head shaking in disappointment smiley here*
Fangface said:
Unlike "Weight of the World"... *insert head shaking in disappointment smiley here*

I agree absolutely. They should had commercialize it as Vanderhoof, since:

  1. It's subpar material in front of the other records (except maybe "Masterpeace")
  2. Without Howe, Ericsson and Wells (or Marshall) I can't call that MC :erk:
Wyvern said:
I agree absolutely. They should had commercialize it as Vanderhoof, since:
  1. It's subpar material in front of the other records (except maybe "Masterpeace")
  2. Without Howe, Ericsson and Wells (or Marshall) I can't call that MC :erk:
Well, I don't have a problem of it being labelled Metal Church actually... it's just that I'm disappointed by their latest output, it's not bad but I expected much more from an awesome band like Metal Church. Just my 2 cents buddy ;)