Blessings Upon the Throne of Tyranny Mix..

Ive been tweaking with my bass drum sound for sooo long and i still cant get it to cut through...No matter what i do it sounds dead, or if i pump it up i cant seem to get that great smack. Its driving me nuts. Im pretty much trying to duplicate the Nick Barker kick sound on this one, and i know im nowhere close. If anyone could help me out i would really appreciate it. I could post samples of my drum sounds solo if anyone wants to take a look and maybe give some helpfull EQ hints? Anyway thanks alot guys!
yo, tight riffage you got there. try pitching the
kick lower - your kick is much higher than the one
on the original recording. my guess would be that
barkers kick is more emphazised in the 5k area.
and add some more lowend to the sample.
personally i think the album kills mixingwise, this
is a high standard to go for.
Digitech 2101 preamp...Peavey classic 60 poweramp, micd through some crap ibanez cab.....Where can i get my hands on andy's sample? (im assuming youre refering to his kick) And i will try adding more guitars to see if it makes things better.....thanks guys