Blessthefall - Open Water complete remake... Crits please!!

I am liking this, nice and clean. Care to share your processing from hardware to DAW master? I would suggest probably a little more stereo imaging in the verse / chorus' for a bit more size, also some of the sibilance in your vox is being effected by your delay in an undesirable way. Also I love the guitar tone at 4:20? What have you done here, sounds very pro?
Yeah I was going to do that for the chorus, but since I was technically "performing" this live. I didn't want to get too crazy with the effects. Just added an upper octave with melodyne for the bridge.

For the guitars I used Podfarm, and Superior Drummer with a Chango MMF kick sample. I also have hard panned cymbals with a huge mono bleed in the center to give it some umph.

Oh and I used Logic Pro's amp sims for all ambient guitaring

Thanks for checking it out!
Nice man, think u used a bit too much pitch correction on some parts though. It's really obvious when u're singing in falsetto .
Haha yeah... But mix-wise how is it?

I think u have done a very good with giving the track a very ambient feel, with the instrument especially. The vocals could use some more reverb and delay is also great to make the vocals sound a bit bigger. Another thing that bothers me is the OH's and hihat. The OH's sounds a bit overwhelming @ 5:24 and ahead. The hihat is also a bit loud and could use more room to blend in better.
I think u have done a very good with giving the track a very ambient feel, with the instrument especially. The vocals could use some more reverb and delay is also great to make the vocals sound a bit bigger. Another thing that bothers me is the OH's and hihat. The OH's sounds a bit overwhelming @ 5:24 and ahead. The hihat is also a bit loud and could use more room to blend in better.

Thank you! That's definitely what I was going for. Yeah I agree... I'm not very good at processing vocals for some reason. And I was kinda experimenting with having the drums overwhelm the mix, because the original version had pretty loud drums too. But from a non-biased standpoint I agree with you.

What do you think of the dynamic range? I automated the dynamics to be very liberal with a sidechain compressor, so it goes from like -18 rms in the verse to -10 in the chorus

Appreciate all the feedback guys!