blind guardian - and then there was silence


Jul 1, 2001
has anybody else heard this song yet? it's not like power metal at all... 14 minutes of great choir-ish vocals, more prog-style drums, crunchy guitars...

blind guardian have got to be (one of) the best "power" metal band(s) there is!
Of course I have heard it, they are one of my top 5 bands. The song rules, it may be my favourite song of all time.
well, I have NEVER been a blind guardian fan, and have been known to talk shit about them, but man this song is killer! its on the level of opera! hansi sounds better than ever! And if a non-BG fan like me likes it, you know its good!
i have a question
it looklike korn - follow the leader cover have a connection with blind gaurdian - follow the blind? did they copy?
I kind of fell off my chair when I read that their new album is called "A Night at the Opera". Man, how more specific can you get (re: nodding to their influences).

Still, I love the band.
A vast majority of power metal bands to not garner my interest, Blind Guardian is an exception.