Blind test >> Which tone is better? (Recabinet, GH...)

Which one of the tones works better in the mix?

  • Tone 1 is better

    Votes: 10 47.6%
  • Tone 2 is better

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • Tone 3 is better

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • None works

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City
Hi all!! I'm doing some tone tests with Revalver III + Recabinet impulses and Guitar Hack's ThisOne.wav.
I'm in a big mess because of my mixes being so dense with all that orchestra layers...
Also I need some fresh ears to decide which is the best way to follow working on my tone.

It's about -6dB peak, not even maximized to a standard level, so you'll have to play it loud.
Also, any suggestions on the tone of any of the three would be really welcome!!

Credits again to Behindert for the snare sample. ;)

EDIT: Uploaded!


EDIT: How about this one?>
I like Mix 2 the best, everything blends better in mix 2, personal taste, I would lower the guitar volume a bit, now the rhythm guitar crowded the strings department.

Mix 3 is my least fav. the sound kinda boxy to my personal taste.

Mix 1 has the heaviest guitar tone among all three mixes but they sound not very blended well with the other instruments.

great works dude, I really liked the mix 2 : )
1 sounds too sludgy, 3 too honky, and 2 is ideal, though has too much at 1k (though I think that's cuz of Revalver, it always seems to have lots of 1k mids). I'd say 2 with a notch at 1k would be my pick!

I'm gonna guess 2 is Recabinet, since it sounds more like a Mesa Oversized (rather than Traditional, which "Thisone" was made with)
And mix6_001 (the bottom one you posted in the edit) is kinda thin and harsh, I'm not really a fan of it
No one fit the rest of the music. You have one musical character (EQ/Frequency peaks) before the guitars kicks in, then they completely destroy the mix. It's a matter of "kill your darlings". To get a good mix, you have to change the guitars because they take too much space in the "sound image".
Thanks for the comments ;)

@Bereavement and Marcus: Yep, I agree with you on 2 being the one that would work better of the three. That's why I did the mix6_001 clip based on 2 but easing on mids. Still not really convincing I see. And yes, 2 is Recabinet Ghandi :D

@Jocke: Ok, I was feeling something like that but couldn't describe as well as you did. You mean I need to re-equalize the guitar sound to fit the keys or re-eq the keys to fit the guitars? ¯\(°_o)/¯
Maybe you meant to change the riffs. Any particular suggestion on how should I focus the guitar sound? Now I'm kinda lost as you can see :D

Thanks guys! :D
Best wishes.
And yes, 2 is Recabinet Ghandi :D

Damn I'm good :Smokedev: Can't wait until I can sell this Stiletto cab to some unsuspecting sap and get me a Recto cab!

And as for making it work, I honestly feel making a somewhat narrow cut (with like a Q of .25) of ~4 dB at 1k would be all the guitars nee!
Haha, well since I'm only selling it locally, it'll more than likely be some metalcore/emocore fagball face, so screw him! :lol:
Honestly, I like mix 1. Guitars have that Evergrey sound. But, like TheDude said, you're going to need to do some creative EQ'ing to carve out room for the guitars. It's just a matter of which you want to compromise more...the guitars or the orchestral stuff.
Another vote for 1.

I also agree they don't really fit well. Try to cut some 200-500hz on the guitars and see if that helps.
Not so much the wool problem...because the tone would sound just fine without the orchestral stuff. But with that, you just have to compromise and carve out some room for everything. Something has to give from one side or the other (guitars or keyboards).
mix 1 sounds more like melodic death metal to me, mix 2 sounds more djenty.

i voted for mix 1. i don't know what it is but the highs in the recabinet impulses i've heard just are not there for me.
Well I agree 2 ain't perfect; sounds like the mic was too far away from the dustcap when making the impulse, and I agree there's something weird in the hi-end - still, I definitely prefer how it's already scooped in the unpleasantly "stuffy" region of the mids, unlike 1!
Well I agree 2 ain't perfect; sounds like the mic was too far away from the dustcap when making the impulse, and I agree there's something weird in the hi-end - still, I definitely prefer how it's already scooped in the unpleasantly "stuffy" region of the mids, unlike 1!

Yeah, that about sums it up.

2 is best, but ain't perfect - no impulses are.