Blood Promise... new shit.

James Murphy

Mar 26, 2002
i recently finished a new 4 song label demo for Blood Promise and you can hear them here: though sadly only through myspace's horrible streaming.

Check them out and if you like the band be sure to add them to you myspace profiles.
Question, and this is not in any way directed at you James (I.e, not asking you to explain their actions) but...

Label demo = Demo

Purpose of getting it out to as many people as possible to listen...

As well as to labels, obviously.

Why the hell not allow "download" on the Myspace?

That oddness aside, band is fairly meh but your mix is fuckign awesome.
the band, for their style, its far beyond "meh" in my estimation.. they are awesome at what they do.. it's obviously not your cup of tea and that's fair enough. glad you like the mix. \m/

ok... regarding the download/myspace scenario: there are two schools of thought.. yours, which Dirge... another band i recently mixed and posted up here ( decided to roll with which is to let everyone download it to help build a street level buzz, and the other in which bands don't make it downloadable in order to generate more plays... which is a stat labels DO look at. both are very valid and i can tell you first hand that labels do pay attention to those play counters and site hits.... and Friends... so get to addin' these guys!

i personally think myspace as a music "platform" is a balloon that's nearly stretched to it's limit at this point.... it won't burst i don't think, just slowly deflate over time, probably about 2 years or so. in the meantime though it's a crucial tool that bands cannot afford to ignore.

also it is worthy of note, as was the case with DAATH, when labels want to use the "demos" as masters, they prefer that they've not been circulating too much. this is a fact, that i know first hand to be the case. i'm sure a lot of you have theories as to why that shouldn't be the case... but it is (with certain labels anyway) and you're not going to change it by theorizing and i don't have time or energy for debate on the subject... lol... so let's just listen to the music, shall we?

the band, for their style, its far beyond "meh" in my estimation.. they are awesome at what they do.. it's obviously not your cup of tea and that's fair enough. glad you like the mix. \m/

ok... regarding the download/myspace scenario: there are two schools of thought.. yours, which Dirge... another band i recently mixed and posted up here ( decided to roll with which is to let everyone download it and help to build a street level buzz, and the other in which bands don't make it downloadable in order to generate more plays... which is a stat labels DO look at. both are very valid and i can tell you first hand that labels do pay attention to those play counters and site hits.... and Friends... so get to addin' these guys!

i personally think myspace as a music "platform" is a balloon that's nearly stretched to it's limit at this point.... it won't burst i don't think, just slowly deflate over time, probably about 2 years or so. in the meantime though it's a crucial tool that bands cannot afford to ignore.

also it is worthy of note, as was the case with DAATH, when labels want to use the "demos" as masters, they prefer that they've not been circulating too much. this is a fact, that i know first hand to be the case. i'm sure a lot of you have theories as to why that shouldn't be the case... but it is and you're not going to change it by theorizing and i don't have time or energy for debate on the subject... lol... so let's just listen to the music, shall we?


Hahaha, didn't expect that!

I see what you mean about play counters, never really considered that!

Cheers bro
Amazing work as always, James! I'm always excited to hear your latest mixes; this and Dirge are incredible!

This is one of my favorite bands to come out in a while, and I wish them the best of luck in getting signed to a cool label with this demo!
Guitars sound that JSX?'s 2 tracks of Peavey 6505+, reamped by me here at my place.... 57 into ADL600 was the chain... and 2 tracks Dual Rec reamped by my buddy and friend of the forum Dave Otero at his place in Ohio, i didn't have a dual rec on hand and dave did and offered to help out so long as i return the favor for him one day ;) ... so two sounds recorded across the country from each other that worked out great together!

it was a problematic situation too since the the guitar used had a funky issue with the pick-up and the D.I.s didn't want to play nice (way too much mids)... we both had to pre process them a bit before re-amping.
i have very few pics from the recording sessions... here's a couple of JP tracking rhythm guitars.... we did a lot of the guitar/bass/and keyboard overdubs in this spare bedroom in the keyboardist's apartment.

I love the guitar tone, James! The snare isn't really my thing, but hell, that's just personal taste. It's very well recorded, to say the least.

Anyway, one alternative to the myspace streamer is to host the mp3's off site & playback with a hi-res player. It won't generate any "play" counts, but it will sound way better....

Here's the one I use:
I love the guitar tone, James! The snare isn't really my thing, but hell, that's just personal taste. It's very well recorded, to say the least.

Anyway, one alternative to the myspace streamer is to host the mp3's off site & playback with a hi-res player. It won't generate any "play" counts, but it will sound way better....

Here's the one I use:
the snare is one of my fave things about the mix...... i will turn you... i turned Kaomao... and i will turn you... mwuhahahahah!!!:zombie:
the snare is one of my fave things about the mix...... i will turn you... i turned Kaomao... and i will turn you... mwuhahahahah!!!:zombie:

the thing is I found these snares as yours and Andy's ones, cutting through the mix better when you have to do a master. In the past I was into cracky snares because that's the sound I was used/use to in a live environment, and I think people is used to cracky snares more than fat snares, a cracky snare sounds real. Maybe these fat snares seems "unreal" (too much low end, less brighter etc etc), but they're really punchy. Oh and that's just my opinion, everyone's got their own opinon anyway.