Bloodbath needs new vocalist

Heh. Paul's definitely my favorite growler, would be interesting to see how he'd do in Bloodbath.

I don't really like the other guys suggested in that topic, the Ribspreader guy has a too high voice for Bloodbath, and I don't think Dan could handle death vocals live.

But I think the best option would be if they got some relatively unknown guy, who would then gain some fame. Eh.. Death Metal Idols? >_>
I had talked to Dan Swano and voiced my desire to sing for them right after Mike quit, but at the time they wanted someone from Sweden for obvious reasons. If they wanted me for this, i'd be honored. Hell, im honored other people mention me for the gig.
Paul, you would be kick ass in Bloodbath! The combination of your growls with their music would be fucking Brutal!!! Of course, ONLY if it didn't get in the way of ND. Then again in Swano can do all the hundreds of bands and side projects that he is involved with, I'm sure you could handle two...

Whoever they get, I'd like to see them tour and hopefully come to the states. It would be cool to see them and meet Dan.
Paul would be a great candidate for bloodbath, love the vox. I don't know why they need a Swedish singer besides that they reside there, I know theres other death vocalist around the world to compete for the next Bloodbath Vocalist, dan should reconsider for international vox talent. Who wouldn't want to be in a band with Dan and have monster death vocals, hell, if i had that, I wouldn't mind moving in Sweden and forget my american ways.
This was their thoughts right after Mike quit the first time. They wanted someone local who could rehearse and work on the material live. I understand that completely, but this time, there's no mention of needing to be local to them, so maybe that's not as much of a concern anymore.
I dunno...I love Pauls vocals...but do you think you'd be able to know with the faster songs and stuff...
I think Paul could cope just fine vocally. Alot of people hear what we do in ND and think that it's the extent of what we're capable of doing. Prior to ND, Paul sang in a faster thrash/death metal band, and in fact a good majority of our influences come from the old school thrash/death metal scene, much moreso than the "doom" scene. Music like Bloodbath's is in fact right up Paul's alley in terms of what he really loves in metal and enjoys listening to as well as performing, moreso than say something like the SubMasq project he did. I'd be interested hearing him actually do something along those (Bloodbath) lines.