Bloodbath v. Pearl Jam


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I'm finalizing some interview questions for Bloodbath while listening to Pearl Jam. Nothing quite like listening to relaxing acoustic rock while asking about the inspiration behind songs like Year Of The Cadaver Race.

Hmm. I should add some whiskey to this equation. Thinking outloud here. :zombie:

:loco: Anders and Jonas. If anyone has any questions let me know in the next 20 minutes or so.
Seems like we're up to the same business tonight. Except I'm actually listening to the band I'm going to be interviewing. :loco: Heading out in the morning to go prepare to see Behemoth/Suffocation on Tuesday. :worship:

Ask Bloodbath why RTC totally destroys their new album. I can't get into that thing for crap.
I'm opposite on RTC and NMF, I really disliked RTC but love the new one. Also, I listened to said new album about 10 times today, so it was time for a change thankyouverymuch. :loco:

Seeing Morbid Angel this Saturday. :kickass:
RTC is a fucking classic, as far as I'm concerned. I know the drumming is weak, but hey, those songs just have a strong effect on me! The new one just doesnt have the same quality of songwriting, though the musicianship took a bit of a shot up. The recording, too, sounds so modern and dull by comparison.
RTC was a fucking joke. Bloodbath was suppose to be a one-off project with only the EP being released, which just happens to be the best thing they ever did. The EP was recorded as a "hey,wtf-lets-do-it" kind of thing and supposedly why they were all drunk, and it turned out great. RTC was an actual produced album with a budget, and it ruined any spontaneity they might have had. Hmmm, I wonder why the "supergroup" decided to make a full length....

ANyhoo, I'm curious about the new one simply because of Tagtgren's involvement, but I'm not paying money to hear music that was done better back in 1990.
I thoroughly enjoyed RTC. I think it has the best vocal performance by anyone ever and that guitar tone just rules. I don't know, never really cared about their "group of friends making music" or "throwback tribute band" stuff, just took RTC as a normal album and songs like "Buried by the Dead" and "Like Fire" slay.

Peter Tagtgren's vocal "performance" on NMF reminded me why I've never bothered with Hypocrisy.
J. said:
RTC was a fucking joke. Bloodbath was suppose to be a one-off project with only the EP being released, which just happens to be the best thing they ever did. The EP was recorded as a "hey,wtf-lets-do-it" kind of thing and supposedly why they were all drunk, and it turned out great. RTC was an actual produced album with a budget, and it ruined any spontaneity they might have had. Hmmm, I wonder why the "supergroup" decided to make a full length....

I don't wanna start an argument, but that isn't what happened, from my understanding of it. That version of Breeding Death was deleted by accident off Dan's computer and all they had was a cassette recording of it, and it was just Breeding Death and Ominous Bloodvomit (this version's included as the bonus to the US version of the new album). The Breeding Death that got released was re-recorded after that, in sobriety and less spur-of-the-moment.
Opeth17 said:
Peter Tagtgren's vocal "performance" on NMF reminded me why I've never bothered with Hypocrisy.
Whoa, no way! I love his vocals on NMF, but more importantly you're missing out BIG TIME by not checking out Hypocrisy. Let me know if you want a CD-R or some shitz.
Not sure If I want to hear anymore Hypocrisy, I've heard samples and wasn't impressed, but I guess that's what CD-R trades are all about. It's not worthwhile to send one CD-R though and there isn't a lot I want to hear. Kayo Dot does sound intriguing and I'd like to hear Arcane Sun, but I don't know if you have that. Anyway, we can organize a CD-R trade sometime if you want, but I still haven't given the first set you gave me proper listens/reviews yet out of a lack of time/busy making lists or reviewing stuff. Let me know if you have anything you want to hear.

I may have some more comments on NMF later, the jury is still out. For now, the only certainty is that RTC>NMF.
I never liked much Hypocrisy but I love his vocals on the new one. The new drummer is scores better than swano too. I like both albums, but I dont think ive listened to NMF to judge which is better.
Opeth17 said:
Not sure If I want to hear anymore Hypocrisy, I've heard samples and wasn't impressed, but I guess that's what CD-R trades are all about. It's not worthwhile to send one CD-R though and there isn't a lot I want to hear. Kayo Dot does sound intriguing and I'd like to hear Arcane Sun, but I don't know if you have that. Anyway, we can organize a CD-R trade sometime if you want, but I still haven't given the first set you gave me proper listens/reviews yet out of a lack of time/busy making lists or reviewing stuff. Let me know if you have anything you want to hear.
Just PM with what you want, when you want it. :cool: No, I don't have Arcane Sun yet. SOON!
Mid era Hypocrisy rules, but I'm not crazy about the real early stuff or the last three albums.

Tagtgren's vocals are on/off for me. I like his deep bellows a lot more than the vocals he started using on the s/t.

Akerfeldt just doesn't do it for me. He good, but hardly the best growler out there. Ares eats him for lunch.